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I spend so much time in the trash that i'm considering changing my avatar to oscar the grouch.

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo snap. and keeping with the seasme street theme, whattttt. you go jane.



if you think about it, you can hear the sound when the gif runs through.

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i just saw rush hour 3 as well

a couple of hours ago.

the outtakes in the end were better than the whole movie

and the outtakes werent even taht good.

jackie chan, while i love the man, is aging, and i noticed alot of camera trick type stunts and more jumping around than badass jackie chan combat. definitely ran low on running up walls, thats my favorite jackie chan move is the wall run movie had no plot. shitty racist jokes. i felt like the first 2 stacked up against lethal weapon interms of action comedies, but this one not so much.

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i know i should find a job but theres too many activities going around right now that i dont want to sacrifice....

....hell im just too damn lazy

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second! only take VVVVVVVVVVNDS though. no second-hand girls. kthx~

*edit* but forreal talk:

it's difficult to just want some specfic girl when your heart has been broken so many times. i mean, it's nice to be have a dedicated crush, but options are nice. i guess. whatever.

anyone have a superfuture crush? haha. i sure do :)

curious? probably not :P

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whatchu want? whatchu want???

i got:

viet (3)

laos (1)

cambodian (5)

philippino (15)

swiss (1)

im fresh outta jap's. they fly outta the cages as fast as supreme shirts do

i also got some kidneys, some bacon and creme cheese if anybodys intrested


edit: i gotta supercrush too. (and its a girl)

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can I get all of this on some triscuits?

sorry. i feed the girls triscuits. but if you buy the girls you also get kidneys, and the triscuits in there stomachs.

hell..i'll even throw in some bacon but no creme cheese. thats extra

gotta make that cash moneyyy

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I sometimes fantasize that I am an attractive criminal roaming the country seducing similarly beautiful women and spending the night with them only to rob them of all their belongings shortly after tying them to their bed posts.

"They say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..."

that covers job and girl at the same time

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i've discovered that trailers give away the entire movie these days. every insignificant/significant detail is exposed in less than 2 minutes, and it really bums me out that trailers just give away everything about a movie, whether its shitty or not, what the plot is, etc. etc.

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Guest Airjamie

These guys look so awesome i cant take it. Shit looks like rick owens x sunn collabo. Fuck.


This kids about to have a heart attack from looking so fucking cool.


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