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Its something I wanted to give her, a real family.

Her fam is jacked.

She didnt get to experience a real family, a typical childhood, or real relationships for that matter.

I jus want to give her everything that I kno I could give, the simple things in life.


The Cure - Cut Here. Is my song of choice, though I dont think it really applies, because I dont neglect her.

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I was talking with my bros gf today.

The points she was making... Insecurities. Fear that things wont end up like the way we planned they would.

I kno how to make things work, esp things like this. But I cant do it alone. I reassure her everytime she has doubts, but she hasnt been able to help much.

All she has to do is be there, and things will be great.

But, when she acts cold towards me, wen shes with me, and just not act like she cares that shes with me or not, just makes shit that much harder.

She also made a point that, if me and her break up because of THIS, then its just really really stupid. I agree, because it was such a petty fight, that somehow escalated into something that couldve been done with, if she had calmed down and talked to me.

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Stunt - It sounds to me like part of whats going on here is her testing you to see if you are really going to fight for her (and the unborn kid) or not. When my wife was pregnant she needed constant re-assurance that things were going to be OK, that I wasn't going to leave, etc. If you guys don;t have a long history together and she knows you are planning to leave at some point (even if you intend to return) she is probably full of insecurity, plus the general insanity that pregnant women have to deal with anyhow. I know it's tough as hell, but you need to make sure she knows that you love her and intend to see this thru. By all means get away and clear your head, but get back there and do everything you can to make sure that your child and his/her mother know that you are there for them.It sounds like the last 48 hours have been pretty dramatic, but that doesn't mean the next 48 won't be completely different. Give her some space and be good to yourself. Hang in there man, you have a good heart and you're going to be fine as long as you listen to it.

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