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How do i get my new topsiders to stop fucking up my feet?

fucking up how? blisters? new ones can have your feet pretty damn raw by the end of the day. just wear for short/relaxed periods, or with socks for a while. once theyre broken in theyre like a second sole.

No whenever i have smoked i have been hyper having fun making jokes but some have just been like im never smoking with you again even though i will say some really smart stuff they want to be all chill and shit there was only one time by self where i got kind of down when smoking. I'm sure it's just i am very affected by whatever the surroundings are.

i think i know your type. if im right, then yeah, you need to calm the fuck down. im not crazy about just lounging around everytime im blazed, but i also hate the few part timers who come, smoke, and start literally shouting anything/everything theyd like, maybe because they feel being high warrants it, maybe lack of self-restraint or maturity, i dont know, in either case, is english your native tongue? serious question.

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card games are so fucking fun when youre high it just gets so intense, i member one time, we blazed 3 blunts over 5 people, and then we played poker till the next morning

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but i loves mariwiuahanas much. i am from the ukraine and i come look for beautiful american wooh-man to make my wife. she must be at least 6 meters in heigh and have a chest the size of a standard klashnikov. i shall bring her to my home in the ukraine and i will be her daddy, much like i having made two childs already. maybe if i drug her with PCP and candy she will accompany much better. i thank all good very much now and sleep i must, for it is a long journey to Indian a polis. night good

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haha no Romanian. I didn't worry about spelling or anything just typed fast sorry if it was difficult to understand.

Definitly not immaturity some don't want anything to do with processing thought when they have smoked pot just want to lay down be distracted by something idiotic which i don't understand being someone with creative thought on the constant and I always love to exchange thoughts in general. Not saying this at all about most people so don't start saying im a downer blah blah this was just an expreriance a long tme ago with some people who in real life are very lame it's been really long since ive smoked so you could say this post might irelevent being you are bound to experience this with people who were in high school, just there personality. Just posting this to explain what i had meant.

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Guest Airjamie
No offense to you or airjamie, but there's exactly one mistake in that sentence and a lot of punctuation missing. That's it. I don't see what the big deal is.

So i guess you guys are going out huh?

Anyway, speaking of weed, a friend and I just walked up to the hajimart by my house to get some skittles. So there were two pigs in there and one of them had his dog in there with him. So Im looking around for the tropical ones when the dog is all like barking and shit and i look up and its totally running at me. Obviously im all what the fuck as it takes a giant bite out of my jeans. Ripped the bottom of my andewhalls like a motherfucker. so i get slammed up against the wall and I'm all "Man do I look fucking black to you?" and he starts searching me. No fucking idea what is going on my friend whos been standing outside with a cig walks in and is all "what the fuck do you think you assholes are doing with a dog in here?" again, totally high and forgetting that he has a gun tucked into the front of his pants. Long story short his girl is driving his concealed license up to the jail right now and i found an 8th of Dro' i had totally forgotten i stashed in my skytops. I still didnt get my skittles though.

Also this PDA internet phone thing works great.

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haha no Romanian. I didn't worry about spelling or anything just typed fast sorry if it was difficult to understand.

Definitly not immaturity some don't want anything to do with processing thought when they have smoked pot just want to lay down be distracted by something idiotic which i don't understand being someone with creative thought on the constant and I always love to exchange thoughts in general. Not saying this at all about most people so don't start saying im a downer blah blah this was just an expreriance a long tme ago with some people who in real life are very lame it's been really long since ive smoked so you could say this post might irelevent being you are bound to experience this with people who were in high school, just there personality. Just posting this to explain what i had meant.

well then just find new buddies.

No offense to you or airjamie, but there's exactly one mistake in that sentence and a lot of punctuation missing. That's it. I don't see what the big deal is.

simple punctuation is pretty important in efficiently understanding what something reads. even middle school, the short hand loving pre-teens use some punctuation

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Anyway, speaking of weed, a friend and I just walked up to the hajimart by my house to get some skittles. So there were two pigs in there and one of them had his dog in there with him. So Im looking around for the tropical ones when the dog is all like barking and shit and i look up and its totally running at me. Obviously im all what the fuck as it takes a giant bite out of my jeans. Ripped the bottom of my andewhalls like a motherfucker. so i get slammed up against the wall and I'm all "Man do I look fucking black to you?" and he starts searching me. No fucking idea what is going on my friend whos been standing outside with a cig walks in and is all "what the fuck do you think you assholes are doing with a dog in here?" again, totally high and forgetting that he has a gun tucked into the front of his pants. Long story short his girl is driving his concealed license up to the jail right now and i found an 8th of Dro' i had totally forgotten i stashed in my skytops. I still didnt get my skittles though.

youre not serious..

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yes it is. in some states (va included thank goodness) you're allowed to walk around with a gun (in plain view) wtihout a permit with a few exceptions (airport, police office, etc.)

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Guest Airjamie
youre not serious..

I most certainly fucking am. Im posting this shit from dudes internet phone thinger. Technology is amazing these days eh? I found the 8th in the bathroom of the quickymart.

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Guest Airjamie
airjaimie - so you got done for the 8th? Is it seriously legal to have a gun in your pants in the us, if you have a license?

No, they never found the 8th, these skytops work great. The dog flipped but they didnt find anything and im pretty sure they let me go for cussing them because the dog bit me and they knew it should have been left in the car.

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shit... are you alound to shoot at shit? Can i be walking down the street with my Desert Eagle sitting right in line with my cock faded denims and see and empty Tab Cola can, decide that it would look better with holes in, and shoot the shit out of it?

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It seems like everyone at sufu loves to smoke weed, and then loves to talk about how much they love to smoke weed. I find it pretty boring really, and end up just drinking more often...

At least it isn't as ridiculous as people coming on her posting how much they can drink, or even worse, post here when they're drunk.

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I was walking down to the pier in Ocean Beach the other day and this homeless guy was just sitting on this trashcan in front of The Black dangling a gun in plain sight and no one seemed to care all that much.

I don't know about actually shooting, though.

At least it isn't as ridiculous as people coming on her posting how much they can drink, or even worse, post here when they're drunk.

At least half of our best threads have been made by intoxicated individuals.

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you can shoot at things, just not everything. for example if a guy comes up to you and asks you for your money (isn't a begger, but doesn't have a weapon) you can probably kill him and be kosher.

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you can shoot at things, just not everything. for example if a guy comes up to you and asks you for your money (isn't a begger, but doesn't have a weapon) you can probably kill him and be kosher.

can I shoot a kosher person and then take his money?

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I most certainly fucking am. Im posting this shit from dudes internet phone thinger. Technology is amazing these days eh? I found the 8th in the bathroom of the quickymart.

holy shit! thats straight out of a jay and silent bob flick. big props

no there are rules about what/where you can shoot. plinking is legal but it depends on the area. you also can't point at people without a valid reason.

tyro, ill do you one better. here in florida you can shoot a person if you feel threatened. and its legit.

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Guest Airjamie

So I'm home now...still no fucking skittles but I found a box of frosted flakes either sweat or quick (i share a house with three black guys and everyone of us has a nickname, it gets pretty stupid) stashed behind the TV (or maybe shit just got thrown) so im straight. When Jay gets out of the holding and back here ill ask him about the rules about shooting but i do know you are never allowed to discharge a weapon within city limits...which if you live in...say...california...means you basically are never allowed to fire a weapon. Out here in the country (and more specifically the country ghetto like my neighborhood) shots go off all the time and noone really cares. Actually i remember a story from a friend about finding a bullet in the roof of his car. Someone mustive shot a gun up in the air and shit just came down on his car.

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Guest Airjamie
Yeah, bitch!

But you still sound like a retard when you complain about not being able to read a fairly normal post.

Shut the fuck up dude.

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dino might: i totally blocked that shit from entering my mind(that bitch is a guy collector) i looked at her facebook b/c a lot of my buddies post on there.. and i checkd there wall to wall, some of the gayest shit ive ever read, i cant belive they typed that shit out.

anyways my dryspell is over, im really happy... but i have a really bad fucking headache and puked in 3 different toilets in my house this morning.

confession: i feel bad for dropping bombs at this club we went to last night.. i could have used that money on clothes.

ps: westside what is ur dressing style called one of really good friends in london dresses exactly like you and shes hot.

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