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  Bandwagonesque said:
I only eat carrots raw.

Same. That or with lots of ranch dipping sauce... nasty I know. Oh well. I hate boiled carrots... stupid chinese broths.

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  sidneylo said:
Same. That or with lots of ranch dipping sauce... nasty I know. Oh well. I hate boiled carrots... stupid chinese broths.

Weird. Thought I was the only one.

Can't stand cooked carrots. They're all soft and warm on the outside, but the inside is hard and chewy..........bleh.

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I'm probably spoiled because I'm use to carrots, sweet peas, lettuce, and whatnot being grown in my grandma's garden. They were so tasty, sweet and crunch when fresh. So much better than soggy supermarket crap. She's too old and sick to garden now. I'd start a plot in the back of my apartment this summer, but there are too many cats, and squirrels around.

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  lilodxd said:
the carrots in my soup right now are warm and mushy. mmm.

all vegetables taste great w/ ranch sauce.

My camp kids a few years ago taught me the disgusting habit of putting ranch on EVERYTHING. PIzza is really good with it...

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  Double D said:
What is this boiling madness? Get a steamer for fuck's sake, it makes life so much easier (not just better, healthier vegetables but perfectly cooked rice every single time).

Rice cookers are amazing. They do other stuff to... mine bakes cakes, slow cooks, etc, etc. Unfortunately, I've discovered that it's only really good at (and it does an amazing job at it) is cooking rice/steaming things.

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  Bandwagonesque said:
Rice cookers are amazing. They do other stuff to... mine bakes cakes, slow cooks, etc, etc. Unfortunately, I've discovered that it's only really good at (and it does an amazing job at it) is cooking rice/steaming things.

I'd love a pressure cooker, a lot of Indian stuff practically requires one to be done properly. I keep meaning to set up a superculinary thead.

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  DJ_Flame said:
I'm both ashamed and amused that I like sort of like Will Ferrell.

I unashamedly love Will Ferrell.

Shake and Bake:D

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  Bandwagonesque said:
I only eat carrots raw. I can't stomach soggy cooked carrots. Actually, for a lot of veggies I prefer them cold, crunchy and uncooked; unless they're cooked in a roast.

fully agree, i cannot stand the textures of cooked vegetables, ive only recently been able to stomach mashed/baked potatos. for the most part it has to be raw or i cant eat them.

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i've been a vegetarian for nearly 10 years but, for the last month or so, i've really been craving fucking white castle hamburgers. i want a goddamn slider so bad.

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  Bandwagonesque said:
I only eat carrots raw. I can't stomach soggy cooked carrots. Actually, for a lot of veggies I prefer them cold, crunchy and uncooked; unless they're cooked in a roast.

i had no idea so many ppl only liked raw carrot (i'm the same). my mom always speeches me about how it's the same fucking vedgetable, bla bla bla. ranch dressing is good, but i like onion dip better.

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Guest jmatsu
  djrajio said:
I broke up with my gf yesterday. You guys are right. People don't change. I should have broken up with her much earlier....

post her pic!

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  djrajio said:
I broke up with my gf yesterday. You guys are right. People don't change. I should have broken up with her much earlier....

Yikes...if what she did before didn't do it, I cannot imagine what ultimately was the trigger now.

Go have some fun recuperating...hopefully you weren't too invested.

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i got into a car accident earlier tonight (coming back from 300) and the first thing i thought was, "goddammit i hope i don't fuck up my fade."

then i called 911.

nothing's broken (docs gave me vicoden, too). the fuckers who blew through a red light and plowed into my car got their shit served by the cops. my little bro and his gf are all right. and now, even though i've been up nearly 24 hours, i still took the time to check out sufu. this shit's addicting.

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  implicit said:

nothing's broken (docs gave me vicoden, too). the fuckers who blew through a red light and plowed into my car got their shit served by the cops. my little bro and his gf are all right. and now, even though i've been up nearly 24 hours, i still took the time to check out sufu. this shit's addicting.

its good that you are okay.

but ive always wondered about this: how can they prove who ran the red light? unless you have a witness or they were under the influence etc., its pretty much your party's word of theirs.. who is at fault?

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  cheapmuthafukr said:
shit... around here they have camers on alot of the traffic lights that automaticly take a pic if you run it, and you get a ticket in the mail....

they now sell this spray where you spray it on your license plate, so when the camera takes a pic at the license plate it flashes light back at the camera which makes the license plate unreable, have a can myself, my city has fukin retarded signal lights

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  hollaforadolla said:

but ive always wondered about this: how can they prove who ran the red light? unless you have a witness or they were under the influence etc., its pretty much your party's word of theirs.. who is at fault?

luckily, we had a witness (he was really cool and stayed until the cops showed up). the csi guy who showed up told us we're all going to get subpoena'd and that, since we did have a witness (and since he ticketed the other guy) we had nothing to worry about.

thanks for all the well-wishings, too.

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