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when i was two i fell down the stairs at my parents house. when i fell, i bit down on my tongue so hard it was hanging together by a thread of muscle. my mom took me to the hospital and i got stitches on my motherfuckin tongue.

also, just after i had turned two, i got pneumonia and was in the hospital for christmas. i grew up having my two older sisters telling me i ruined christmas that year. they also use to have names and stories for all the little brothers before me who they "put in the microwave" and "threw out the window of a moving car" and shit because the little bros were annoying them. they said they were going to do the same to me if i didn't behave

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when i was two i fell down the stairs at my parents house. when i fell, i bit down on my tongue so hard it was hanging together by a thread of muscle. my mom took me to the hospital and i got stitches on my motherfuckin tongue.

same thing happened to me except i jumped off the top of my bunk bed

like :P

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But now that we're in this cesspool of choice, what are we supposed to do as a society? Abandon our history, cultural diversity and "free enterprise" in search of a more simple and direct way of living?

The concepts presented in Brave New World come to mind; but I can't really decide which side of the argument I stand by. Is Brave New World a dystopia or a utopia? In the story, people are "happier", but is there "truth"? Was there ever "truth" to begin with?

I'm struggling with this a lot and I'll probably continue to for as long as I live.

I'm just presenting ideas here. Most of you are a good bit older than I and seem to have tackled these concepts so I'm genuinely interested in what you have to say.

Also, to everyone that has negged me, please keep in mind that this simply a discussion which we will all gain from if we keep our minds open. If you are providing a counter-argument or a flaw in my logic or anyone else's, do so on this thread so we may all learn from it and have a balanced point of view. I value your input, but I don't see how a neg is really all that helpful.

why so serious?

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my issue lately is just trying to figure out what it means to be a "man" in the modern world when i was actually raised in the pre-Google era by stereotypical small-town parents who are unaware of the interconnectedness of our global society

also, my roommate is doing dishes and being really fucking loud about it, as to attract attention. you know, since i don't fuckin' clean everything every other day of the goddamn week

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But now that we're in this cesspool of choice, what are we supposed to do as a society? Abandon our history, cultural diversity and "free enterprise" in search of a more simple and direct way of living?

The concepts presented in Brave New World come to mind; but I can't really decide which side of the argument I stand by. Is Brave New World a dystopia or a utopia? In the story, people are "happier", but is there "truth"? Was there ever "truth" to begin with?

I'm struggling with this a lot and I'll probably continue to for as long as I live.

I'm just presenting ideas here. Most of you are a good bit older than I and seem to have tackled these concepts so I'm genuinely interested in what you have to say.

Also, to everyone that has negged me, please keep in mind that this simply a discussion which we will all gain from if we keep our minds open. If you are providing a counter-argument or a flaw in my logic or anyone else's, do so on this thread so we may all learn from it and have a balanced point of view. I value your input, but I don't see how a neg is really all that helpful.

i was going to just write "fuck u" but instead i write this in hopes that u stop posting this dumb shit

i've thought the same shit as u... in grade 10. .but then i realize it get me nowhere. u could think forever about theoretical better worlds, and about your own existence, but in the end it don't mean shit, there's no point thinking these abstract thoughts when the end result isn't even applicable to real life. the white trash du's you see on the bus have the right idea just fuckin bitches, gettin money, and gettin fucc'ed up... they live 100% more carefree day-to-day then someone like you stressing out about "philosophy"...

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i was going to just write "fuck u" but instead i write this in hopes that u stop posting this dumb shit

i've thought the same shit as u... in grade 10. .but then i realize it get me nowhere. u could think forever about theoretical better worlds, and about your own existence, but in the end it don't mean shit, there's no point thinking these abstract thoughts when the end result isn't even applicable to real life. the white trash du's you see on the bus have the right idea just fuckin bitches, gettin money, and gettin fucc'ed up... they live 100% more carefree day-to-day then someone like you stressing out about "philosophy"...

what if I'm not interested in fuckin bitches, gettin money, and gettin fucced up?


anyways for my superconfession..

I've recently been convinced that slim fit jeans suck

I just bought these great cargo pants and it's just too comfortable to go back to the old nut huggers

i feel like a new man


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I've tried tolerating my friends new gf, but she was a complete bitch the other night. He's noticing that I don't wanna hang out with him anymore.

I think it's time to tell him that his gf is a fuckin fat ugly burritobitch.

a friend of mine has become the target of a manipulative whore whos playing the fuck out of him. everybody sees it, esp cos shes talking shit behind his back. but in his delusional head he thinks hes the one doing the playing.

its kinda pathetic to hear him go on about her.

i dont want to get involved but i feel like somebody needs to tell him.

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I can turn anything into a joke.

Ex / Sort-Of Current girlfriend calls me up yesterday and tells me she's seeing someone else.

"Okay - just tell me one thing: it's not the other Ian, is it?" (9.6)*

That pretty much ended that. Still, I laughed.

*online representation of real-life sarcasm scale


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i was going to just write "fuck u" but instead i write this in hopes that u stop posting this dumb shit

i've thought the same shit as u... in grade 10. .but then i realize it get me nowhere. u could think forever about theoretical better worlds, and about your own existence, but in the end it don't mean shit, there's no point thinking these abstract thoughts when the end result isn't even applicable to real life. the white trash du's you see on the bus have the right idea just fuckin bitches, gettin money, and gettin fucc'ed up... they live 100% more carefree day-to-day then someone like you stressing out about "philosophy"...

you are an idiot.

I would explain why you are an idiot, but here's the rub: you are too much of an idiot to comprehend the explanation. Suffice to say that life is not all about "gettin fucc'ed up", etc.

Ignorance is bliss and you, you poor, illiterate bastard, are truly blissful.

Haploid, big ups.

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why live in search of a truth if it's going to rob you of bliss...

for the record, i don't drink or smoke

one thing my friend told me that i agree with.. he said that reading the 'wtf are you doing with your life' thread, only two people stood out as being totally content.. cheep and djrajio... the former making enough money to just pay for living and having fun.. the latter making a ton of money to have fun in a much different way

if you are doing the things that make you happy, this existentialist-posting-on-internet-forum-crisis thing doesn't happen

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