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Thanks for all the tips on the College Essays guys.

I guess my problem is that I really don't think I lead a much interesting life. Friends have suggested I just talk about my parents and how they hate each other, and how it affected me. I have to answer two prompts for UC schools.

#1: Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

#2: Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

I might not have any problem with the second prompt, because I think these 3 weeks of helping out a refugee resettlement agency- I can stretch a few things there.

I'm also thinking about applying to NYU. After visiting the campus, it seems pretty cool. I like the NYU essay prompts better! If anyone objects to NYU, please state why so I have another reason not to go out of state.

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i think too much


I don't like receiving compliments very much anymore. I feel like I only ever get them from people who have a goal in mind, ie; sex. They have been so devalued for me that I really feel nothing or worse rather than feeling better about myself.

Oops, compliments, not comments.

hey hot stuff

Credit Cards are devils. i DO NOT trust them one bit. The only time i use a CC is when i have a friend charge something for me, whom i pay right away.

+1, I only use my cc for cheap food purchases, debit gets used for expensive shit cause I know I have the money

PS: NYU = $$$

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I'm so pessimistic about me getting into a good university after this morning. My counselor just checks in with me to make sure i'm graduating high school, and asks me which schools i'm gonna apply to. I basically listed all of the UC's except Merced, but forgot to mention NYU. "I think a 3.72 GPA average is too low for any of those schools... but you should apply broad." Is it really that bad? :(

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my ex constantly tells me how much she loves me and misses me. when i ask her why we're not together then, she replies with "i don't/can't have a relationship right now because i'm too busy"

i'm a pretty flexible guy but what the fuck. starting today, she finally agreed to zero communication between us.

and then she texted me that she still loves me.


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I've ended up in a similar situation lately. Following on from the texts about missing me last week, she went so far as to say she still loves me. Girl made it official with the new guy a while back, keeps suggesting we spend time together. Dropped hints about wanting to be invited to plans I have this weekend, didn't bite.

She lies about absolutely everything and I'm not stupid enough to buy it any more. Just wants the attention and hates that I'm happier without her.

Ignore all the texts, eventually she'll get the hint, and either wise up and stop giving you bullshit excuses, or she'll quickly move elsewhere. Either way, you'll be better off.

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I'm a bit stressed/nervous about tmr because the ceo is visiting our store and it's a bit small so there aren't a lot of places I can hide..working bitch shift so pretty much gonna be there when he and his entourage arrives

I was told to be on my best behavior (0)

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I'm so pessimistic about me getting into a good university after this morning. My counselor just checks in with me to make sure i'm graduating high school, and asks me which schools i'm gonna apply to. I basically listed all of the UC's except Merced, but forgot to mention NYU. "I think a 3.72 GPA average is too low for any of those schools... but you should apply broad." Is it really that bad? :(

Unless your school is located in a bad district or has low standards, a 3.72 is fine for most of the UC's. My friend got into Riverside w/ something around a 3.0 and some minor golf stuff. A 3.72 should be fine for SC, SB, R, SD, and I, depending on the major and your extracurriculars. NYU, on the other hand is pretty talent oriented so if you have a 3.72 but no other extracurriculars there's only a slim chance of getting in from what I know.

Regardless, your counselor is still on crack.

where do kids from stern go?

wall street analyst?

3.72 is fine

at the very least you will get into UCSD unless you got a hella shitty SAT

if you got like maybe 2220 you could get into berks probably

cal is hella ugly though so i personally wouldn't go

I don't know what this guy is talking about 'at the very least', UCSD is one of the harder UC's to get into.

I think it goes like this (from easiest to hardest to get into):

1. Merced

2. Riverside


4. UCI (tied w/ UCD)


6. SD

7. LA

8. Cal

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so there's this cutie in my physio psych class who i wanna get with but turns out she's dating one of my distant cousin's and they've been going out for like a year and some months. such a downer.

Go for it, just to see where you could stand

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I am having half-regrets about buying a pair of purple denimz... now that they're my dailys it's kind of hard to hide the fact that I'm wearing the same jeans every day lol (although surprisingly I haven't been called gay for wearing purple jeans... strange)

suprisingly most people won't notice that you've been wearing the same pair of pants. if anything people notice if you wear the same shirt/jacket two days in a row

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