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"don't touch my vegetarian sausagesw ith that fork, you used it on your meat!!"


or like they say that they don't like how the animals are treated ect... bitch stfu you ren't making a fucking difference. it's only to put your own conciensce at ease and pretend you are doing 'good'

they'r all just self righteous bastards :mad::(

Take individual action to propel your society beautifully.

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I hate the fact that vegan places make "imitation" meat. If you wanted to be vegan, it's cause you didn't wanna eat anything that looks or tastes like meat, right? fuckin silly.

Nah homie, this is bitchassness (no hate). I mean fuck, is it really that much of a bother to you that imitation meat exists? There are many reasons for going vegetarian/vegan so no need to generalize. And I mean, there are a ton of things considered "meat-substitutes," like seitan, tofu and tempeh that stand on their own. Sorry, it just annoys me when people feel the need to be a dick about things when it doesn't affect them ("What you eat don't make me shit, nigga where's the love?").

Edit: directed at redX too :)

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i'm ignoring the doorbell. i peeked and it was the little old filipino jehova's witness ladies whom upon their last visit, i lied and told them i had a bible. i got suckered into opening the door the first time because they resembled my aunties. i shan't be fooled by such trickery again.

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Nah homie, this is bitchassness (no hate). I mean fuck, is it really that much of a bother to you that imitation meat exists? There are many reasons for going vegetarian/vegan so no need to generalize. And I mean, there are a ton of things considered "meat-substitutes," like seitan, tofu and tempeh that stand on their own. Sorry, it just annoys me when people feel the need to be a dick about things when it doesn't affect them ("What you eat don't make me shit, nigga where's the love?").

Edit: directed at redX too :)

no, I get what your saying, but why are they creating psychosomatic substitutes for something that they are adamantly against? Are they so desperate for some sort of visually appealing food that they imitate exactly that which they are trying to rebel against? I can understand that creating food that visual resembles another food (like "vegan buffalo chicken wings") creates an easier way to go about being a vegan (if you weren't one from birth), but it creates a silly double standard. You're not eating buffalo chicken, you're eating seitan buffalo chicken, which is not chicken, nor covered in buffalo sauce (I'm not sure if that's vege/vegan to begin with). So I want to understand why some vegans feel the need to emulate food that they have decided to avoid and not eat ever.

something about the thought process doesn't line up with me. I'm not against it, I just don't understand why they feel the need to do it.

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I just cleaned the fuck out my closet as the shit I was actually wearing was taking up only a small space. while doing so I found so much old shit that had me catching feelings fuuuuuck.

right when im done cleaning i find a shitty old picture of like 3 of my friends at school in england. fuuuck. I kinda still have some contact with these kids but damn. we were so tight and now they all live wherever the fuck.

the weather is not helping my emo-ness fuck. where's the sun at.

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To clear up the imitation meat discussion on the veg side. We grow up eating all the wrong things. It's a fact that people raised without meat never long to kill an animal, roast it over flames, garnish it to make it edible. I however was raised eating shit on a shingle and sometimes crave a bit of burger. Enter veg BBQ.

People will never understand this because we drink milk intended for calves, enjoy bread only with sugar in it, or any other ass backwards diets people cling to simply because they are raised on them.

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Imitation meat is some of the weirdest shit I've ever had. As someone who eats meat but also loves veggies I don't understand why any vege/vegan place would choose to serve an item that doesn't actually resemble meat, or any kind of food found in nature, instead of celebrating the natural delicious of vegetables. I've been to places like Zen Palate and Red Bamboo and I would prefer a good salad or a vegetable stir fry to any of the imitation stuff they serve. I can understand the role of veggie burgers in a social setting, like if a vegan is hanging with friends at a bbq, but to go to a eatery to specifically eat this type of non-food makes no sense to me, especially when there are so many other choices that are more natural, taste better, and adhere to your lifestyle rules.

Vegetarians made a lifestyle choice, but imitation meat says they despise that choice and are constantly looking to skirt it. To me it is like someone who denounces gays yet will constantly jerk off to a pic of David Beckham because it's not "really" being physically gay. Or a celibate priest who goes to strip clubs every night. Yeah you're not actually breaking the rules but come the fuck on.

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Guest Phrost
Vegetarians made a lifestyle choice, but imitation meat says they despise that choice and are constantly looking to skirt it. To me it is like someone who denounces gays yet will constantly jerk off to a pic of David Beckham because it's not "really" being physically gay. Or a celibate priest who goes to strip clubs every night. Yeah you're not actually breaking the rules but come the fuck on.

jesus loves you

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I've been having this discussion with my wife (vegetarian) forever it seems. She is completely disgusted by meat, especially processed meat, but loves imitation meat corndogs and things like that. I try to tell her how ridiculous it is that she won't eat meat, but will eat a product created to look, feel, smell, and taste like meat, but she somehow sees logic in it. I'll never understand.

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We're omnivores, it's natural for us to eat both meat and veg, it's one reason we have canines.

Actually, they aren't proper canines; teeth are either for ripping or grinding. The teeth set we have is because humans evolved into scavengers of marrow, eating what bone marrow remained from leftover kills.

A proper, predatory canine would be far more knife-like, pointed, and gappy for taking down prey and ripping flesh, like cats, wolves, killer whales, etc. Our digestive systems aren't as adapted for eating raw animals as those species either.

Always up on a natural history concept.

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a couple of nights ago me and my girl were drinking some whiskey and then we split an ambien. homegirl passed out and i was left to my own devices and decided to take 2 and a half more ambien. after sitting on the couch facebooking on my phone drinking more whiskey i felt a gust of wind blow in the window beside me that called me into the night.

i woke up on the ground tangled in my bicycle in a part of town i usually do not travel in. when i got up i fell again then tried to call my girlfriend 12 times in the period of two hours between 2 and 4 a.m. finally after struggling to find my way i made my way back to my girls covered from head to toe in blood. my bike, my clothes everything was blood.

needless to say my ambien intake has been decreased

quoting for greatness.

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^ Word. I can't believe that shit is legal sometimes. I get Ambient-amnesia all the time. I'll have absolutely no recollection of what I did the previous night if I take more than 5mg. I've heard of people on ambien that'll get up in the middle of the night and just eat raw bacon or whatever. They wake up one day and are 400lbs all of a sudden. Shit's crazy...

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i think i have officially hit rock bottom

i am the most depressed i have ever been in my life

its a shitty shitty place to be

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