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actually i forgot to add. i actually have some of these symptoms too, i had chest pains, headaches, and sore lungs too. but i wasnt ruining everyone elses day cause of it

he's a bitch. just ignore his ass.

fyi - there was this yellow dust that has been plaguing korea for the past week, and thus congestion, headaches and all the symptons you mentioned are quite common. i suffer from this shit every year. this shit comes from china and the wind storms blows all this residue into korea once a year, normally a short term thing but still happens every fucking year.

hang in there dude.

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best wes anderson:


and as not to shit up this thread too much:

i learned today that my good friend has been hookin up with his evil "ex" again, though he vowed he'd never go back. i just want to shake him and scream "you're being used you idiot!" guess i shouldn't really be caring that much; whatever makes him happy....

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i learned today that my good friend has been hookin up with his evil "ex" again, though he vowed he'd never go back. i just want to shake him and scream "you're being used you idiot!" guess i shouldn't really be caring that much; whatever makes him happy....

my friends doing that too!

he wants me to pay for his possible abortion too

and some stupid flowers for "a make up date" for the girl!

(of course i'd be paid back, but my goodness... he need to end the relationship)

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he's a bitch. just ignore his ass.

its hard to when we work together and live next door. and even though he told me to keep it between us, cause its embarrassing for him, he will not stop talking about it.

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he's a bitch. just ignore his ass.

its hard to when we work together and live next door. and even though he told me to keep it between us, cause its embarrassing for him, he will not stop talking about it.

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when i was younger, if you kicked the coin return hard enough on a coke machine that was at a park near my place, it would return all sorts of change. :X

where i went to elementary school we had a coke machine near my classroom. when you put a dime in and pressed the change return button it would give you a dime and a nickel back

sooner or later the coke guy caught onto our scam and they switched it out for a different machine :(

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when i was younger, if you kicked the coin return hard enough on a coke machine that was at a park near my place, it would return all sorts of change. :X

where i went to elementary school we had a coke machine near my classroom. when you put a dime in and pressed the change return button it would give you a dime and a nickel back

sooner or later the coke guy caught onto our scam and they switched it out for a different machine :(

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where i went to elementary school we had a coke machine near my classroom. when you put a dime in and pressed the change return button it would give you a dime and a nickel back

sooner or later the coke guy caught onto our scam and they switched it out for a different machine :(

cant rep but u a natural born hustla

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where i went to elementary school we had a coke machine near my classroom. when you put a dime in and pressed the change return button it would give you a dime and a nickel back

sooner or later the coke guy caught onto our scam and they switched it out for a different machine :(

cant rep but u a natural born hustla

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damn alva.

good luck with that.

vending machine at my highschool was on of those ones that you could se every drink and a thing would grab the drink for you.....if that make sense.

my boys would just stick their arm in it and get whatever snapple we wanted off the bottom row.

basically where i fell in love with ice tea + lemonade mixed snapple.

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where i went to elementary school we had a coke machine near my classroom. when you put a dime in and pressed the change return button it would give you a dime and a nickel back

sooner or later the coke guy caught onto our scam and they switched it out for a different machine :(


When I was in elementary school we had a playground covered in wood chips, and one day one of my friends was digging in them and started finding change - handfuls of pennies and dimes and quarters. All the kids in my school went insane about the money and all started to dig for it.

The teachers found out and put police tape around the playground and in a few days they'd dug up all the money -- it turns out people who played on the swings, or whatever, would let coins slip out of their pockets and what we found was like ten years worth of fallen change. The teachers collected around $500 and donated it to the school, and we were angry.

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