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im scared sometimes that my dad might take a second wife and how it would fuck this family up so bad...worse than it is now, obv.

but i mean, my grandpas on both sides had 2 wives so he prob doesnt think anything of it. and divorce is super last option. ugh.


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I am posting this from my laptop thousands of feet in the air on a commercial flight.

The fucking internet is in the sky, finally.

I'll look back on this day in ten years and think "i can barely remember the time there was no wifi on flights"

commercial flight, huh

you usually fly private or something b?

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im scared sometimes that my dad might take a second wife and how it would fuck this family up so bad...worse than it is now, obv.

but i mean, my grandpas on both sides had 2 wives so he prob doesnt think anything of it. and divorce is super last option. ugh.


wuuuuuuuuuuuuut. He residing in US now, yes? What is your mom's opinion on this, does she have a say?

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worst thing my parents did was stay together for my sister and I. They clearly could not stand each other and were miserable, always arguing, which in turn made us even more miserable

They should have just sat us down like adults and said sorry this is not working instead of making it feel like partly our fault cause they were staying together for us

everyone is much happier now that they are continents apart.

i never understood that. my mom told me she was going to divorice my dad but then found out she was pregnant with my younger sister (who doesn't know)

after a few mishaps (affairs on both side..I think..I know my dad cheated cos I caught him and my mom for awhile always got roses/chocolate/gifts) and one too many arguements my mom finally left

she came back of course cos they're now back together under one roof. why I don't know. how I don't care. my mom always taught me that no matter what he's still my dad and she's still my mom whether they're together or divorced BUT my mom was also always huge on staying together for family. they haven't really argued for a long time now and at this point my little sister is all grown up so there's no 'reason' they're together other then them wanting to be together..I hope.......

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I have already decided, many moons ago, that if I don't get the one girl I've built up in my head on my own into a demigoddess, then I will probably just substitute with several women and children with them all, throughout my life. Ray Charles steez for life.

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oh really ? i want kids, not badly, but if i'm bored in my early 40's...

also i want to be the cool grandfather who cooks for everyone at the family house with all the grandkids playing in the garden near the swimming pool, drinking old whisky with sons and friends, chillin... at last.

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wuuuuuuuuuuuuut. He residing in US now, yes? What is your mom's opinion on this, does she have a say?

yeah, he lives here. but would probably get married in palestine. and only islamic law marriage, even if he somehow gets her a visa and brings her back. its like buying a goat.

my mom is against it, as we all are...but ultimately, he will do what he wants.

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i surprisingly get a lot of my aunts/family friends telling me that my brother and i are lucky that my parents are still together. they've seemed to work out some unspoken formula to happiness because say i would be at the dinner table and they'd be yelling about one thing or another, i'd step in and say "can you guys not be yelling while i'm eating dinner -_______-" then they'll look at each other and start laughing and i'll be completely lost.

i don't think they're actually yelling most of the time. they're just loud people

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My parents have been together for 31 years next month but they have a weird relationship, it's more like a business relationship than a marriage. They both work a lot. They have never celebrated an anniversary that I know of (definitely not since I've been alive). I've only heard them argue once in my life, but they only see each other maybe 2-3 hours a day max, so maybe they just don't see each other enough to have time to argue. They seem happy? I don't know, I never really have understood their relationship at all.

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My parents have been together for 31 years next month but they have a weird relationship, it's more like a business relationship than a marriage. They both work a lot. They have never celebrated an anniversary that I know of (definitely not since I've been alive). I've only heard them argue once in my life, but they only see each other maybe 2-3 hours a day max, so maybe they just don't see each other enough to have time to argue. They seem happy? I don't know, I never really have understood their relationship at all.


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i got a new black motorola phone when i moved and reupped my contract in sept 07

that phone was aight until I lost it in aug 08

i always lose shit so i had the insurance on the phone, and i got it replaced right away, with an identical phone

that phone first broke a while back and became unusable last week so i filed a claim and got the replacement today

i open up the box and they sent me the right phone, but in this fuckin lame apple green color that looks hella frute swagz

no problem, i think, i'll just call the insurance company up and make everything right

i even said maybe i made the mistake when i filed the claim

nope, i asked for the right color but their records said i had a green phone to begin with

that's weird, i said, it was definitely black

ok, they said, just call tmobile and have them change their records to reflect that and we'll send you the right phone

so i do, but tmobile says they can't change it because their records are permanently linked to the phone serial number, and the one they have on file for me showed i had a green phone

it was black, i said

sorry, they said

so i call the insurace company back and they say there's nothing they can do without getting word from tmobile first

their records are wrong, i said

sorry, they said


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Last couple girls I've dated have been really jaded about relationships and marriage at first. They all came out of rough parental divorces.

So, I force them to chill with my parents. It always clicks after a second. All you need to see if a fully functioning marriage and you'll start to believe again.

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Last couple girls I've dated have been really jaded about relationships and marriage at first. They all came out of rough parental divorces.

So, I force them to chill with my parents. It always clicks after a second. All you need to see if a fully functioning marriage and you'll start to believe again.

Can I borrow your parents?

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im scared sometimes that my dad might take a second wife and how it would fuck this family up so bad...worse than it is now, obv.

but i mean, my grandpas on both sides had 2 wives so he prob doesnt think anything of it. and divorce is super last option. ugh.


My grandpa has three wives (It's Utah). And on that note:


dont joke about that shit

was recently told about a cousin that i never knew about. girl went to the same high school as me and is one year younger.

was pissed that i was never told. shit could have gone dowwwwwwwwwwn

I may or may not have an uncle that is just a few years younger than me. I have never had much contact with my grandpa even though we lived in the same town. He wasn't exactly welcome around the house due to the whole fundamentalist Mormon thing, beating the hell out of my maternal grandma and taking multiple wives after he divorced grams. However, I did spend a summer painting houses with my meth-addicted uncle and he said that grandpa had another kid. My mom says it isn't true (mom doesn't do drugs -- that I know of, anyway). I guess I'll find out at the funeral.

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