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The guy on the left looked at me like that too many times I'd stab him with a fork.

reminded me a dream I had last night

I was with my father in his car

someone tried to ge in the car to steal it

he smashed the guy's head on a brick wall + on the ground

he was almost dead

his woman tried to get in the car

i stabbed her multiple times with something and I put my thumbs in hey eyes

I popped them

I had orange blood on my hands

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i disagree.

when it's yr own puke, you'll recognise those green and yellow bits from lunch.

when it comes to stranger's puke however, ignorance is bliss.

i don't investigate my own puke. i just let it be and feel better usually.

unless i puke again of course..

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I dont know, someone elses puke is a pandoras box of mystery and disgust. I mean, lets say for example you see that green chunk in someone elses puke? I personally would be thinking, "What in the fucking world could that be? This person is infected."

Ignorance is fear.

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I really like to type in Chinese. Diamonds gets confused and copies and pastes my shit backwards.

It's cute.

The tour guide I slipped my number to contacted me back. I'm going to a concert festival with her and her friends. I will not invite my own friends. Make your own Taiwanese friends.

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