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are you serious?

dude you probably do not want to put yourself in a position where you 'swear by the stuff'. waste of your money and your life.

I'm not at all against the occasional j, however putting yourself on the road to dependence/addiction is another thing.

whatup momz? road to dependence/addiction? to weed? we in DARE class? please. no one gets addicted to trees, theyre just lazy fucks tryina' find a cop out.

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I feel really bad that I haven't gone in and seen hap or Cotton, but my last week and a half has been crazy. But papers are going to be finished on Friday and I refuse to put up with any school shit after I've written two papers.

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whatup momz? road to dependence/addiction? to weed? we in DARE class? please. no one gets addicted to trees, theyre just lazy fucks tryina' find a cop out.

That's pretty ignorant imo. I've seen heaps of people that have become dependent upon weed, for whatever reason. Shit can fuck you up bad (especially all that hydro covered in hairspray).

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well coming from someone who smokes a whole lot (who quit cold turkey no problem for 2 mon) compared to someone who smokes very little comparatively, i personally feel i can say from experience that thats nonsense. id like to know how they exactly became "dependent" upon it.

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well coming from someone who smokes a whole lot (who quit cold turkey no problem for 2 mon) compared to someone who smokes very little comparatively, i personally feel i can say from experience that thats nonsense. id like to know how they exactly became "dependent" upon it.

people react differently, some people get more addicted then others, plus some get physically or psychologically addicted and others both.

you say you don't get addicted and that it is bullshit but you smoke a lot of weed as you say, quitted for 2 months at one point and yet you went back to smoking right?

just think about it for 2 seconds.

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egpt, that logic is ass backwards.

a) dependency is biological ("physical"). a user is dependent when he quits whatever substance and his body suffers negative consequences. addiction is both biological and psychological. they are two different words describing two different clinical conditions

B) yes, i say i dont get addicted and that it is bullshit and i smoke a lot of weed, quitted for 2 months and am now smoking again. its lot like i "tried to quit smoking weed" like a smoker with his cigarettes and relapsed.. i quit because i had to, suffered no negative consequences, and once i could smoke again i did and still do.

is every mother who drinks alcohol, stops for 9 months for her baby, but then resumes having a drink once hes born addicted to alcohol?

just think about it for 2 seconds.

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well coming from someone who smokes a whole lot (who quit cold turkey no problem for 2 mon) compared to someone who smokes very little comparatively, i personally feel i can say from experience that thats nonsense. id like to know how they exactly became "dependent" upon it.

ok that's cool you've smoked more pot than I have. do you really believe that 'no one gets addicted to tree' though?

excuse my ignorance of medical/scientific terminology. but yeah, there are people out there who feel that they can't get through the day without smoking weed. whether that's for physiological or psychological reasons (or a combo of both).

just because you personally are not one of those people - you quit cold turkey no probs as you said - doesn't mean that they don't exist.

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egpt, that logic is ass backwards.

a) dependency is biological ("physical"). a user is dependent when he quits whatever substance and his body suffers negative consequences. addiction is both biological and psychological. they are two different words describing two different clinical conditions

B) yes, i say i dont get addicted and that it is bullshit and i smoke a lot of weed, quitted for 2 months and am now smoking again. its lot like i "tried to quit smoking weed" like a smoker with his cigarettes and relapsed.. i quit because i had to, suffered no negative consequences, and once i could smoke again i did and still do.

is every mother who drinks alcohol, stops for 9 months for her baby, but then resumes having a drink once hes born addicted to alcohol?

just think about it for 2 seconds.

a) addiction can be a physical OR psychological dependence.

B) sorry, but this is a bullshit argument. you can try twisting things the way you want and say that you never really "tried" to quit but at the end of the day you are still back to it. i have a lot of friends who smoke a lot of weed, they never admit they are addicted and yet, some take unnecessary risks( 2 of them being professional athletes who get randomly tested a lot of times for drugs), they always come up with some kind of excuse to justify their use. to me , that is addiction, when the frequent use of something goes against your better judgement.

the mother argument is stupid because we aren't talking about a casual use of weed, we are talking about smoking a lot. if you are doing something a lot, whatever that is, something is wrong.

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The fuck happened? I just said i never had really smoked pot before (except a few times when i was still drinking and didn't feel anything). Not talking about all the stupid ass science/morals/whatever/bullshit. Never said i was gonna become a guy who smokes pretty much every day, dropping tons of money. Just figure since i never have before, i might as well give it a shot. You guys got issues

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Doing something a lot means it's wrong?

"something is wrong" means that something is wrong your body/mind.i didn't say it was wrong for you to do it, i could care less if someone takes it in the ass while doing coke, if that's your thing keep it up.

- people drink coffee every fucking day, shit stains your teeth and causes physical dependence unlike weed

- people drink every day and most people get drunk on weekends, which is physically and psychologically addictive, and has far more adverse psycho/physiological effects during the period of intoxication

where did i say those things were not also addictive?

Clearly neither of you have enough personal experience to understand this issue. It's like comparing apples to oranges.

yeah, i don't have enough personal experience. ahahahaha

also, i don't have 2 siblings, one a doctor and the other a psychologist, and i never had endless discussion with them about this issue.

anyways, both of you entered college this year right?


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omgzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz this weed argument was dumber than the dumbest dumbdumb dumbness ever on dumb superfuture...omgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

remember the lion? with the tight black tshirt? i think he gave a thumbs up.


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one youre like a dream come true

two just wanna be with you

three girl it's plain to see that you're the only one for me and

four repeat steps one through three

five make you fall in love with me


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