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My friend and i tried to rent shut up and jam as little kids. We didn't realize until we got home, the video store mistakenly had Barney's Hide and Seek in the box instead. We were sad

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wait... what? you hope she's clean after fucking her 4 times? i mean, eating out gross puss would be gross but you'd rather your dick fell off?

well i mean there's a big diff between putting your dick in her whilst wearing a raincoat and eating her out clean

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things being done instead of studying accounting:

1. playing dress up

2. watching random things online

3. checking superfuture

:( studying right now makes cleaning my room sound fun.

ugh i hear you. dress up is my favourite. when it's exam time around here, the place ends up spotless because i distract myself with cleaning, and cinderella just bakes pies. then we make ourselves a really complicated dinner to kill a few more hours.

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things being done instead of studying accounting:

1. playing dress up

2. watching random things online

3. checking superfuture

:( studying right now makes cleaning my room sound fun.

this is crazy. I just finished playing dress up and vogueing in the mirror, and before, I was looking at random junk on the interwebs. meanwhile, my books are open on the desk waiting to be read and underlined.

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petition to rename this thread to "just talk about anything at all"

it used to bum me out that people weren't superconfessing in this thread

and use it instead as a slow-loading chatroom

but then again i am not one to confess on teh web

plus the anonymity of the old superfuture is bygone, what with hap no longer doing the "fuck i forgot my keys" facepalm, and the like

the real superconfessors (cheapmuthafukr, dismalfuture, come to mind) are still doing their thing but they are giants in a land of dwarves

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im having the worst fucking day and its not even 11am yet.

ive had bus and concert tickets to go see sigur ros with my friends from home in boston this friday. the bus tickets are for 8am and it takes 4 hrs or so to drive to boston from here. i have math class at 2pm friday, my only class that day. two math classes ago i was told there would be a test this friday the 19th. in math class this morning (its broken up between mon and fri) i tried to do the responsible thing and consult the teacher to ask if i could take the test earlier, since i had already been told that no tests would be allowed to be taken late. the instructor said no, that if i took it early i could give away the answers/info. she also said that every student needs a score of 'x' or more on every single test or they cannot pass the course. i got a score below 'x' for my first test but she said 'if i do better from now on i'll disregard that first score'. sweet. so i go to cancel my bus tickets, since the test ends at 4, the show is in boston at 730, and, like i mentioned, it takes 4 hrs or so to get there (oh, and there is now opening band). the bus tickets are non refundable, 100% penalty. sweet. then i think to myself "thank god i got that ticket insurance for the concert so i dont lose $45 more." i go to file my claim and academic obligations arent covered, just work etc.. sweet. death is part of the acceptable claims however. so i think (pretty rotten of me), "oh ok, well my grandmother did just die last week, i can put down i must attend the funeral." so i do, and file the claim. then, in order to successfully complete it all and receive my reimbursement im told to provide all the proper documentation for my claim, which includes a death certificate. sweet. so now i have to ask my father whos lost both of his parents in the last 6 weeks for his moms death certificate so i can salvage at least a little bit of my money? sweet.




im going to go get really fucking faded.

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Guest umhaha84
i made a weird dream in which i was in some kind of sufu meet-up, and for some reason, homi29, started commenting and drescribing my tits, but very graphically.

that's fucked.

you weren't dreaming.

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I just dropped a bag of stuff off at the thrift store and placed the woman working there as a teacher I hadn't seen for 18 years so I said hi and told her I recognised her as such, and she asked me my name. When I told her, her face tightened up and she said that because I gave her so much shit, I - personally - was the reason she stopped teaching.

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