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c1: i kind of feel like a creep because i always save pics from WAYWT threads that i like, i have SO MANY pictures

i do the same, but i rarely save pictures, i have like 50 per year or somth.

and i don't think it's creepy, it's not like cutting only the feet of pictures of women that post fit on the internet (whistling the night away ?).

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That movie sucked.

Self-indulgent and pathetic rendering of some douche.

A complete waste of one of the best soundtracks composed for a movie ever, álá "Where the Buffalo Roams."

Nah dude, she's got a band, too. Juliette and the Licks.

Every director loves her for the trashy parts she plays cause she's legit trashy.

Her band's a lot better than her acting, but yeah. Kinda a push.

For 30 peeps you don't go somewhere, you get that shit catered.

For $1G catered, yall's 30 peeps can eat like champs.

Drink no, eat, yeahyo.

1. it's called quote+. learn the concept... it actually makes things easier-see how i brought all of your useless opinions together?

2. did you actually watch the movie? or maybe you're just shallow-because there's a greater message that may be too deep for you to understand.

3. your avatar is dumb. have you seen homi's? at least his is clever... yours looks too thought out... not to mention of poor quality.

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Anybody read the nytimes today? I laughed so fucking hard. It's like sufu edition in thursday styles. They have a whole articly on people wearing shorts with suits instead of slacks. The best article, however, is when some guy went to oak and explains his confusion at octopus cardigans with 18 arm holes. And also, WHO MAKES THE DRESS WITH THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL?????

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Guest Phrost

the posts about international junk food made me crave for a cuban sandwich. it was the first thing to hit my stomach today and i feel like i'm a better working class citizen because of it.

PS - who here has tried vietnamese sandwiches? it's absolutely one of the things you must experience before you die. no joke. 88 mott st. in chinatown (closer to little italy) in the back of the jewelry shop. best one in nyc.

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this is actually really really hilarious

“I hate it,†I confessed. “These clothes make me feel old and confused.â€

The salesman laughed. “Ha,†he said comfortingly. “I think we all feel that way.â€

“But you’re only 9,†I observed.

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this is actually really really hilarious

I like the...

A garment by Bless was an oatmeal-colored sheet-cape attached to a pair of pleated linen shorts by exactly one-half (the back half) of a gray cotton tank top ($568). If Heather Locklear had a parasitic twin emerging from her sternum who happened to be a nun, this would be something they would agree they could wear to Starbucks.
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this article pisses me off, some plebian walks into a world they don't understand and proceeds to cast judgment on things they aren't willing to try.

it reads like it was written to appease middle america, being fashionable is stupid and difficult, just stick to wal-mart, its okay.

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this article pisses me off, some plebian walks into a world they don't understand and proceeds to cast judgment on things they aren't willing to try.

it reads like it was written to appease middle america, being fashionable is stupid and difficult, just stick to wal-mart, its okay.


One armless black bat-cape of a T-shirt with pockets on the front and the back would be ideal resort wear if you were an incarnation of Vishnu and 14 sleeves were just too bunchy for the beach.

He only has 4 arms, you fat fucking whore.

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^ i think it was a little more tongue in cheek than that .. simply because they picked oak, over other more well known stores in nyc, but i dont know shit about ny so maybe it's really well known

thats true, i'm response was probably overblown, i don't know shit about NY either

the New York Times would probs rather die than shop at walmart, hahaha

maybe, I suppose new yorkers have more sense than that, how about we exchange wal-mart, for whatever mid-level bullshit passes as fashionable these days?

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um no, the article is pretty straightforwardly all about how weird the clothes are

oak is not at all some sort of well known fashion emporium here in nyc

the new york times LOVES shopping at walmart, are you fucking retarded?

the grey lady is not some sort of bastion of nyc cool, that paper is fucking made

for the boonies.

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While at work today, walking past the pool, I observed a small child, maybe 5 or 6, proceed to squat, make an angry face, and drop a deuce right there on the pool deck in plane view of his mother. I think he was spiting her for not buying him an ice cream or something.

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Friends, I have a confession to make and an apology. Whilst reviewing some of my previous posts on this fair site I could not help but notice my terrible use of the English language and my lack of citations for better understanding of the topics I have spoken of. I have spent a fair amount of time abroad and have been in Germany for a year now and I feel as though I have forgotten the first language I learned, English. A lack of respect for the English language is what I would call it, as I have thus noticed it in my own messages and in those of others.

I believe the use of all the plebian language is a result of my lackadaisical attempt at an electronic message board post. I did not document my sources using the proper MLA citation (6th Edition, of course). I fear this abhorrent error, whilst completely being my fault, has led to this insulting use of the King’s English.

However, native speakers really have an inability to not speak correctly enough to others in the same society. Mind you that does not inherently mean that they will use correct grammar, inflection, or general eloquence. This topic becomes ripe for discussion, for example, whilst the ultimate vowel of a word clashes with the first vowel of the following word, art thou supposed to make an "r" sound instead of a full guttural stop? (Example: "in China everyone" would become "In Chiner-everyone")

Personally I like to pretend to myself that I have a better understanding of the spoken English language than most of the plebeians that surround me. In my family we actually have dinner arguments about tenses and other fine points of sentence structure. Inflection importance came with an understanding of theater. After that it was a long growing up process that occurred with several well educated writers, whom I am related to. Having lived amongst many cultures I should feel as confident in English as I do in say, perhaps Old Gutnish, Tulu or Ryukyuan.

Heretofore betwixt all of these aforementioned electronic correspondences and dialogues I sincerely apologize for my butchering of my own native tongue. Cheers.

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