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there used to be a japanese high school in my state. but it closed down cuz parents didnt want to send their kids to america or somethin'. but i remember them visiting my school back in the day, talkin bout ICU and the yankees and shit. i was mad confused.

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Was it because of the Toyota factory or something?

ICU is like the school for all the in-between third country Japanese expatriate kids, and then some domestic geeks who think they're up on English.

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Was it because of the Toyota factory or something?

ICU is like the school for all the in-between third country Japanese expatriate kids, and then some domestic geeks who think they're up on English.

For some reason this reminds me of my cousins school. He lives in San Francisco and went through the public school system, but apparently, 90% of the entire school was asian. None of the white kids went to prom since they were mostly all guys with the exception of a couple ugly chicks, and because all of the asian mothers didn't want their daughters with a white guy.

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I just got back from the pagani factory and I had to ask if they had any freaky color scheme requests (like the fugly-ass fuchsia lamborghini)

they did. another fucking pink supercar was in the works.

they didn't tell me who had requested it but I'm willing to put down all my pennies that it was that same jap girl that ordered the lamborghini.

or nigo.

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i finally saw the dark knight yesterday (!!!), and today I find myself wearing all black, including a cropped trapeze jacket with huge 3/4 sleeves that makes it look akin to a cape.

i have concluded that my outfit was influenced by batman.

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my grandfather just died. just got off the phone with my mother about it. funny thing... im not too sad.... its easy to accept... i mean, death is a part of life, part of the necessary duality of our existence. i do worry about my grandmother tho... how she is going to be with him gone.

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sorry, man. i lost all three remaining grandparents in the last 13 months. sucks.

my grandfather just died. just got off the phone with my mother about it. funny thing... im not too sad.... its easy to accept... i mean, death is a part of life, part of the necessary duality of our existence. i do worry about my grandmother tho... how she is going to be with him gone.
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the few times I have gone there, yeah. but I don't think i'll be doing that anymore since I got scammed. I am in the process of working it out but either way it goes, it won't be happening again.

I also do translations and flyers for clubs

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one of my good friends moved out to BC after highschool, and has always been a free spirit (he now goes on several day long roadtrips alone, contacts people randomly, will show up in Toronto without warning, etc.). He told me he just started living in a one-room cabin in a rural area.

I finished reading "Into the Wild" last week, and the entire time, I kept thinking how much the main character reminded me of my friend, and that freaks the hell out of me

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Just found out my friend who I haven't seen since freshman year just got out of rehab, kinda made me happy but the I found out now he's addicted to pills.

This also reminds me of this girl I know. She is 15 and just got out of rehab for coke. The saddest part is that her parents found out after she had been doing it for like 8 months in their house due to them always being away and simply never trying to keep an eye on her, give her any attention, or communicate with her at all whatsoever.

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