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-no chris doyle

This is the main reason I am not sure I even want to see MBN. In my opinion, doyle is a major part of WKW's movies. I realize he's made some without him, but to me, the combination of the two is what makes them what they are. It's all about atmosphere.

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not gonna front, i had to post-stalk after that confession

apparently, Boredom

  • is a bi chick
  • reads comic books (manga?)
  • loves juice
  • is really into pokemon
  • listens to edan (pretentious white guy hip hop)
  • watches a lot of tv
  • once saw 7th graders at her old school in "scimpy" volleyball outfits
  • is unfortunately a 9th grader
  • never posts waywt

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Guest jmatsu
not gonna front, i had to post-stalk after that confession

apparently, Boredom

  • is a bi chick
  • reads comic books (manga?)
  • loves juice
  • is really into pokemon
  • listens to edan (pretentious white guy hip hop)
  • watches a lot of tv
  • once saw 7th graders at her old school in "scimpy" volleyball outfits
  • is unfortunately a 9th grader
  • never posts waywt

yo i don't like hiphop that much, but fuckin edan has fantastical beats.

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This is the main reason I am not sure I even want to see MBN. In my opinion, doyle is a major part of WKW's movies. I realize he's made some without him, but to me, the combination of the two is what makes them what they are. It's all about atmosphere.

agreed man, wkw wouldnt be who he is perceived to be today if it wasnt for Doyle. MBN definately misses out on some of that atmosphere.

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not gonna front, i had to post-stalk after that confession

apparently, Boredom

  • is a bi chick
  • reads comic books (manga?)
  • loves juice
  • is really into pokemon
  • listens to edan (pretentious white guy hip hop)
  • watches a lot of tv
  • once saw 7th graders at her old school in "scimpy" volleyball outfits
  • is unfortunately a 9th grader
  • never posts waywt

  • definitely true
  • never cared for manga so much, I do read comic books but not often enough to call myself a comic book reader
  • I fucking love juice
  • Pokemon is the shit, will have to watch some old episodes whenever I finish GTA/school
  • I'm usually not into hip hop so much but Edan has some good songs
  • definitely true but I only I really like the good shows (Arrested Development, Dexter, Nip/Tuck, etc.)
  • unfortunately true
  • never say never

In all honesty you did a pretty good job summing up my sufu posting history.

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not gonna front, i had to post-stalk after that confession

apparently, Boredom

  • is a bi chick
  • reads comic books (manga?)
  • loves juice
  • is really into pokemon
  • listens to edan (pretentious white guy hip hop)
  • watches a lot of tv
  • once saw 7th graders at her old school in "scimpy" volleyball outfits
  • is unfortunately a 9th grader
  • never posts waywt

I call first fuck.

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she dresses like a hobo.

she gets sloppy drunk way too often.

she's made a lot of "mistakes."

she's not interested in me.

she has a lip ring.

she has 2 bad tattoos.

she does terrible things with her hair.

she's not the one i'm with.

she makes me laugh and i can't stop thinking about her.

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^ yeah it seems usually cuz of expectations.

A friend told me to join the foreign french legion instead of applying as an officer to the navy or air force (cuz I want an intel job)... how the hell am I supposed to take that seriously?

what are you, like 14? jesus, my parents don't even bug me anymore when they find porn on the comp.

this is lulz for sure.

Haha, I remember back in college where a friend of mine told me his dad gave him a serious talk after he brought back his computer from the dorms... apparently his dad wanted to use yahoo and after typing the first three letters ended up with an auto-insert of some site along the lines of yahpussy or yahporn or something liek that. "SO THlS IS WHAT YOU'RE STUDYING AFTER l PAY YOUR TUITION TO SCHOOL POR?" (fob accent)

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Heres a few things i noticed.

1. The tight ass shorty in the pink shorts.

2. Mad asians.


4. The tight ass shorty in the pink shorts.

i woke up at my friends house after i passed out from alcohol poisoning. i go outside and i notice these green stains. sniffed it and realized it was barf. i wore these jeans for 2 more weeks because i wanted to achieve more fades.

This is completely unacceptable. You're a disgusting human being.

He is however, a shining example of a superdenimfuturian.

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He is however, a shining example of a superdenimfuturian.

I really hope you guys don't walk around with green streaks of barf on your pants.

Please tell me it isn't so.

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I put my blood and sweat into mine. I'm waiting for tears.

See, thats perfectly acceptable. But upchuck? No...

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I'm fucked for 6 weeks of Europe. I have $1500 for 6 weeks for food, hotel, hookers and blow. I guess I'm going hungry =[[[[

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I really hope you guys don't walk around with green streaks of barf on your pants.

Please tell me it isn't so.

no we use an impregnated towel to clean it and hang it outside to make the smell disappear. and then we wear it again until...

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Why are the cheerleaders at your school are all squaty legged 5 foot nothing asian chicks....and one snorlax looking white fatty? I'm on the east coast and all I hear about is how hot girls on the west coast are....and this is throwing everything into doubt unless cheersquad is the social equivalent of marching band at your school.

Confession: I went to work with pink eye and I'm hoping it doesn't spread...or if it does spread it doesn't get traced back to me.

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Sometimes I wish my parents were more nosy just so someone could see the effort I put into hiding my things.

I spend late nights thinking up new/better hiding spots for my journal in my room.

Everytime I steal some of my dads whiskey I carefully place it EXACTLY where I found it and make sure to have excuses on hand if he asks why he's missing some.

I made my folders containing "inappropriate" pictures invisible and carefully hid them within other hidden folders.

Whenever I look up something shady (not porn mind you) I make sure to clear my browsing history. My parents don't even know HOW to check my browsing history!

The only thing I don't do is delete my text messages and thats just because they don't even know how to check their own phones text messages.

Use passwords, encryption, acls and separate accounts

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Why are the cheerleaders at your school are all squaty legged 5 foot nothing asian chicks....and one snorlax looking white fatty? I'm on the east coast and all I hear about is how hot girls on the west coast are....and this is throwing everything into doubt unless cheersquad is the social equivalent of marching band at your school.

Confession: I went to work with pink eye and I'm hoping it doesn't spread...or if it does spread it doesn't get traced back to me.

Get your white right. That fatty isn't white.

White people are from Northern Europe. They never look like that. It still amazes me how many people throw that word around without even knowing what the hell a white person is. ;) :confused: :eek:

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