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^ive got a pair of calvin klein red dress socks that i picked up from bloomingdale's recently, stunt. not like stocking type socks though, theyre just a little thinner than normal athletic socks.

i dont know if you can get such socks where you are or what the deal is, but maybe that helps

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^ it looks effortless, it fits his body type perfectly, the colour coordination is great (brown vans / blue tee), and the print on the tee is spicing things up but not dominating the fit. Maybe not the best of this thread, but one of the best skinny fits realizations I saw here.

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^ word.

as far as skinny fits goes, icarus is the gold standard. the fit on the very left is lame, imo. needs different shoes, different shirt, new haircut and different tattoo. i think we've already discussed this before, but come on, 10 deep? if you're going to rock street wear, it could at least be something a little bit more subtle, or aesthetically pleasing.

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^ i think the pavement colour makes them look a bit wider. And i don't care about the brand of the tee - kiya wrote before that it's a fake anyway. We can agree to disagree I guess, but i saw similar looks in non-no and this one would be by far not the worst of them.

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The lanky kid on the left - absolutely brilliant.

^ it looks effortless, it fits his body type perfectly, the colour coordination is great (brown vans / blue tee), and the print on the tee is spicing things up but not dominating the fit. Maybe not the best of this thread, but one of the best skinny fits realizations I saw here.

wow. you are kidding? that kid looks exactly like every trendy, scened-out, indie rock wannabe faggots with zero sense of style walking around the mall whos lucky enough hes a skinny fuck, making him at least better looking than the fat, trendy, scened-out, indie rock wannabe faggots with zero sense of style. ive never seen the aforementioned demographics in a 10 deep tee, though, not in my towns mall, so ill give him that. not much of an accomplishment still. not to mention it looks like a blind barber who lost his opperative hand in 'nam cut his hair.

and please tell me by "here" you meant that picture and not superfuture. theres no way thats close to even thinking of being one of the better skinny fits "here"

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wow. you are kidding? that kid looks exactly like every trendy, scened-out, indie rock wannabe faggots with zero sense of style walking around the mall whos lucky enough hes a skinny fuck, making him at least better looking than the fat, trendy, scened-out, indie rock wannabe faggots with zero sense of style. ive never seen the aforementioned demographics in a 10 deep tee, though, not in my towns mall, so ill give him that. not much of an accomplishment still. not to mention it looks like a blind barber who lost his opperative hand in 'nam cut his hair.

and please tell me by "here" you meant that picture and not superfuture. theres no way thats close to even thinking of being one of the better skinny fits "here"

i will specify - 'streetwear' skinny realization, not 'fashionista-skinny'. It's pointless to compare his fit with, say, icarus, as both are playing in the completely different categories.

As the kid does not belong to SuFu i'd better put the pic in the 'street version' thread, but still, great fit his agegroup considering.

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the kid in the blue shirt looks like shit. I am probably younger than him and I dress 19048340 times better than he does.

seconded, he looks my age if not slightly older. keagan, icarus, myself... all roughly the same age, and all way better looking than that dude. and im sure theres much better skinny streetwear fits on here. (even though the only thing streetwear about it is one teeshirt)

well kiya said he was 12. so are you like an 11 year old crackhead?

im pretty sure he was being facetious

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seconded, he looks my age if not slightly older. keagan, icarus, myself... all roughly the same age, and all way better looking than that dude. and im sure theres much better skinny streetwear fits on here. (even though the only thing streetwear about it is one teeshirt)

im pretty sure he was being facetious

He looks 15-16 and you def look older. And since when (generic looking) skinny jeans and vans became 'fashion' and not streetwear?

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the pre-teen bean pole is wearing high-water jeans

he could at least have the decency to wear long enough jeans to cuff, like all his buddies

who the fuck lets their [white athletic] socks show like that

on to top it all off, those ginger sideburns... well, that's pretty much all that needs to be said

terrible choice, keyko

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He looks 15-16 and you def look older. And since when (generic looking) skinny jeans and vans became 'fashion' and not streetwear?

Streetwear or not, he looks pretty bad. First time I've seen slip-ons look fucking huge. He looks like a 14 year old girl trying to be "different".

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Do not concur, but he doesn't look like he's trying too hard or overthinking anything, which I respect.

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Awesome picture, the timing of that shot is perfect.

I don't think it was PERFECT crillz right hand is blurred, but I'm being picky

no.....you get a steefy. or at least i do (no homo)



everything works perfect here!

Nice fit, shitty pic

And with regard to the blue tee ginger nuts scene fuck, he looks like an idiot, on top of that, he's an enthusiastic yo-yoer/yo-yoist (??), which makes him twice as retarded.

This was a long post.

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