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the jacket is a necessary part of the fit, but if im bored maybe ill take a pic w/o, just for you. i don't mind that you label me goth whatever (never been called that before ever), but I do take a bit of offense to being called a dumbasswhowearsallblackinjuly, considering i have no idea who you are, you have no idea what climate i am in or what fabrics im wearing, or if you're simply just trying to get a rise out of me or whatever.

but if you must know, its 70 degrees, cloudy, 12 mph winds (and I have a long night ahead of me), so in my mind I've dressed accordingly.

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black just isn't a S/S color, and it is mostly associated with that subculture

Really? So only ninjas and goths wear black during the spring and summer? thats what you mean by S/S, right? No black before labor day, is that how it goes?

If I were in alhambra or chino or wherever the fuck, I'd probably be dressed differently. But I'm not.

But just to put this baby to rest, and not too waste anymore of anybody's time, esp. Jayrock's:


jayrock now eat a dick. no offense.

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