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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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and yes... i got soft. 60 hour weeks and a wife and kids can do that to a man.

do what you gotta do man. a sob working class story always helps me to appreciate what i've got. respekt...sorta i guess. glad you still find the time while being a family man, and working 60 plus hours to still post cool shit and look super dope on sufu. many thanks! i'm sure you're an inspiration and integral part of this community! keep it up. awesssoooooomeee!

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by SSchadenfreude, April 28, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by SSchadenfreude, April 28, 2012 - No reason given

actually... i was hoping for a kind of group enlightenment where you would all stop shitting up this thread with worthless arguments and djradio, and get back to talking about poorly dressed people.

well i guess your heart was in the right place so i'd def give you maybe 2 or 3 gold star stickers if i could. plus rep will have to suffice. :( your fit-post was a good start. like i said it wasn't worst worthy, but all in all a nice try. someday i'm sure you can garner a fit worthy of this thread! keep them coming! god bless, homoie!

Edited by Woogie
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do what you gotta do man. a sob working class story always helps me to appreciate what i've got. respekt...sorta i guess. glad you still find the time while being a family man, and working 60 plus hours to still post cool shit and look super dope on sufu. many thanks! i'm sure you're an inspiration and integral part of this community! keep it up. awesssoooooomeee!


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at work bein a creep


do what you gotta do man. a sob working class story always helps me to appreciate what i've got. respekt...sorta i guess. glad you still find the time while being a family man, and working 60 plus hours to still post cool shit and look super dope on sufu. many thanks! i'm sure you're an inspiration and integral part of this community! keep it up. awesssoooooomeee!


Edited by doctor_doom
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I'd have to agree w/ this. Certainly seeing things in real life gives you better perspective. Especially in an age of photoshopping, styling, profressional lighting, what you see on the internetz is not necessarily what you get...

I agree when it comes to judging a specific piece, say before buying. There are a lot more online order disasters than in-store disasters for obvious reasons (you can look at the material, construction, try it on, compare it with other articles etc.). On the other hand getting inspiration and a feel for what is going on is now more of an online game, with all the tumblrs, runway show archives, streetwear blogs, forums like sufu, etc. I mean I like people watching and all that and most of my buys are done in stores but if I wanna see some Yohji from 2003 or what the fashion kids are wearing I better use the internutz. Now there is a lot of misunformation out there (everyone is a fucking expert on sufu/styleforum/sz) but that is to be expected with such a large amount of info available.

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do what you gotta do man. a sob working class story always helps me to appreciate what i've got. respekt...sorta i guess. glad you still find the time while being a family man, and working 60 plus hours to still post cool shit and look super dope on sufu. many thanks! i'm sure you're an inspiration and integral part of this community! keep it up. awesssoooooomeee!

dude has a loving wife and kids..... hes winning, fuck u doing?

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I agree when it comes to judging a specific piece, say before buying. There are a lot more online order disasters than in-store disasters for obvious reasons (you can look at the material, construction, try it on, compare it with other articles etc.). On the other hand getting inspiration and a feel for what is going on is now more of an online game, with all the tumblrs, runway show archives, streetwear blogs, forums like sufu, etc. I mean I like people watching and all that and most of my buys are done in stores but if I wanna see some Yohji from 2003 or what the fashion kids are wearing I better use the internutz. Now there is a lot of misunformation out there (everyone is a fucking expert on sufu/styleforum/sz) but that is to be expected with such a large amount of info available.

accurate statement. obvious to a few, but i'm glad you pointed it out for the benefit of some of the other unfortunates here.

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dunno if referring to me but isn't he basically agreeing with what i said?

maybe. what i got (or at least wanted to) was about buying stuff. i mean, you coulda seen jordan, but made the conscious choice not too cause you don't like him. i like that. i mean to me it's like my some of my pals that i don't really like/don't know why i hang out with, trying to get me to see a based rapper or wolfgangs concert and me refusing to go. what fuuma had mentioned about seeing what kids are wearing, trends and stuff. this is done outta necessity or convenience. i don't think this be bad, but would prefer to see this live, not that this is always possible. for instance the undercover sneakers posted in this thread. people be shitting on them, but they are dope imo. probably over have the negative comments about them never handled them live and just be giving neg rep for hate's sake.

"now there is a lot of misunformation out there (everyone is a fucking expert on sufu/styleforum/sz) but that is to be expected with such a large amount of info available..." wordx1000

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Posted · Hidden by SSchadenfreude, April 29, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by SSchadenfreude, April 29, 2012 - No reason given

you should post a fit woogie.

chant my name 666 times in the dark in front of mirror. if u complete the summoning ritual correctly, u'll receive a magical pm with a fit.

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i didn't really think the discussion was about shopping, just the process that led to it.

then i don't know. yeah i guess it'd be good if we could see something cool on the internet, research it then hopefully go check it out irl.

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do what you gotta do man. a sob working class story always helps me to appreciate what i've got. respekt...sorta i guess. glad you still find the time while being a family man, and working 60 plus hours to still post cool shit and look super dope on sufu. many thanks! i'm sure you're an inspiration and integral part of this community! keep it up. awesssoooooomeee!

this is hall of fame material. anyone care to do the honors?

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+djrajio's arcadia cross posts


why? the trash moves at like 2 posts/hour.

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