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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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heres the thing upandcoming, your a 32 thats not even that big but because of your fit you make your self look like a goddamned whale, deal with it. if the sweater was a more complementary fit you wouldnt be in defending your self. its that fucking simple. not too mention figure out a better camera angle.

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(I'm really torn between negging up&cum for being annoying, and +repping him for coming back for more punishment. Kudos to you, up&cum, you have enbiggened Supertrash!)
buy his jeenz instead
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i dont need kudos, i thought you could see that?

Sometimes delicious, delicious candy bars take their names from pre-existing nouns, not the other way around. Rare, but it does happen.

To illustrate, when one of your schoolyard chums declares, "Up&cum is a snickerpuss," he does not intend to indicate that you have a Snickers in your vagina.

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Guest jmatsu

fashion victim daddy yankee steez much?

this would be kinda bearable if he exchanged the striped tee for a dickies work shirt and opted for buttoning it at the top. maybe even a wifebeater would work. to get alittle rep, maybe he could even lose the hat and wear a bandana instead.

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Originally Posted by MiniW viewpost.gif


last night bar hopping

This looks like the bastard child of SF and SuFu, and indeed it doesn't work in the slightest.

i like this a lot more than let's say someone who dresses in the same vein like Still. it works really well. i hate tucked in boots too. haven't tucked in boots since stalag closed down

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this would be kinda bearable if he exchanged the striped tee for a dickies work shirt and opted for buttoning it at the top. maybe even a wifebeater would work. to get alittle rep, maybe he could even lose the hat and wear a bandana instead.

Maybe if he lost that awful MySpace pose.

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those dropped crotch leggings could be done right with some more voluminous tops/jackets. he's kind of accentuating the awkward cut with that little muscle tank. quite frankly, id just rather see kallun not wearing any clothes at all.

10 characters!!!! :P

if people were to comment on others face, weight, etc , 90% of the forum would end up in here. yeah, it's the truth and you know it.

I totally agree on this one...there should be a thread for this...where people can comment on how people can enhance his/her look (not referring to clothes/shoes) but more on the body, hair, posture, etc. I'm actually going to start a thread like this...hehehhe

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Guest jmatsu

god finally spoke to me. he didn't talk about heaven/hell or the apocalypse. he simply told me that this sucks.

the real "anti-fit." literally.

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