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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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Guy with the hat is plain awful. I don't have a problem with people who don't know how to dress themselves, but people who think they do but don't have a clue are the absolute worst.

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  fndmybetterhalf said:

why even post...?

some random tee that someone can pick up from Hot Topic...gap jeans and jordans...? atleast make it look nice...

Hey. My brother got me that shirt when he saw the Misfits. Please shut the fuck up.

Also, regarding the other picture, I did not photoshop it. I'm 15, not 12 or 9.

You guys seriously need to chill out. It's so bad that when I talk back to you guys I get a warning from a mod whining that i'm insulting the other members.

:( stawp it jhey :(

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shut up jhey

  MharcI said:
It was all cold and raining in New York yesterday, and in a way, unlike everyone else i'm kinda glad cause I can actually wear something. Chyeaa. Also, since it's cold and raining i've nothing to do. Which explains the picture.4kwku2u.jpg
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  Double D said:
Pics regardless, those Nikes look completely shit against the rest of the outfit.

I have nothing to say about the fit, as i dont post, and dont like to comment due to that fact. But i will say that the Begining moments pack is wack sauce, everyone and there grandma has them, and they look like kids shoes, unless you destroyed them, and i mean DESTROYED, then i could see liking them, but only on a junkie, and only for the iorny factor of the thing.

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as previously stated the fit isnt that bad.

if he had some nice black lace ups i think it would be best wywtd worthy

but then you have to take into account the homoerrotic themes of the piece

while subtle they may be, anyone who looks hard enough with an open mind towards

what he is trying to express should be able to pick up on them.

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  homme.homme said:
I always forget to check in here. I'm suprised Milspex hasn't posted me up in here yet... or has he?

that guy is on a hating spree. he sent me a pm with the title "Yeah I`m white and I ate Yum cha before Motherfucker, also like some good gio xi, yo" i dont know what the fuck he's talking about. what the fuck is yum cha?? :confused:

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