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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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pit stains are within the first few minutes

i've walked out of parties literally soaked

but then again, i'm a hairy beast, so i have a built in blanket 24 / 7

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yea but what if you're one of those people who manages to sweat through two layers, then everyone be pointing like 'yo look at that dude hes wearing a tshirt and a sweater and he still gots nattty pit stains'

i'm that guy, but to be honest, i stopped wearing undershirts because they increase the sweatiness :(

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in4mation x gshock



why would you even upload and post this

I get that waywt doesn't necessarily have to be brilliant photography, and that people get made fun of if they try to hard, but shit, it's not trying too hard to take a second photo after the first one is totally out of focus

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Have you ever even been there, or do you take your knowledge from FOX?

I always find it amusing when people make wide, sweeping generalizations about entire continents.

europe as a homogeneous, uniform blob where mans is having anal sex in public using swiss chocolate as lube, rockin PVC pants all day and feasting on aborted fetuses whilst wiping their mouths with pages from the bible

Hang the DJ, i think you'll find that certain countries in eastern europe probably aren't so welcoming of PVC pants.

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Not to be a hater but dude, less smirk and less effort. No one cares and I don't want to see that shit. I dont want to have to ignore you because your posts in What Are You Doing Today are good.

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I always find it amusing when people make wide, sweeping generalizations about entire continents.

europe as a homogeneous, uniform blob where mans is having anal sex in public using swiss chocolate as lube, rockin PVC pants all day and feasting on aborted fetuses whilst wiping their mouths with pages from the bible

Hang the DJ, i think you'll find that certain countries in eastern europe probably aren't so welcoming of PVC pants.

yo semper gets a pass because his last outfit was in here but for the love of god


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(...) having anal sex in public using swiss chocolate as lube, rockin PVC pants all day and feasting on aborted fetuses whilst wiping their mouths with pages from the bible

Damn you nailed me right there.

EDIT lol:

Hang the DJ, i think you'll find that certain countries in eastern europe probably aren't so welcoming of PVC pants.

So in the West the streets are full of them, right?

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