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fuck #menswear


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  On 1/30/2012 at 6:20 AM, Lab said:

dressing out of nostalgia for an era you never lived in

that's how this happened

and take ivy was the catalyst

i can't think of a worse book

this x100000

there is safety in anachronisms i guess

smh at all these people, there is tons of cool shit going on right now. why wouldn't you want to dress like you are in the year 2012? dressing like past styles that were more constrained gender roles is not liberating at all and does nothing to advance men's fashion, if anything it does the opposite. there is merit in revisiting the past but dressing like you are a coal miner is the fashion equivalent of ludditism imo and i can't really get behind ludditism

these #menswear dudes are chumps, i get wearin stupid shit like that to pull girls but really these dudes never questioned shit just did everything they were told. think something is good because they were told it is not because they actually think that. men's fashion needs to advance and a retreat to the safety of sportscoats and boatshoes is not the answer nor is slightly modifying this shit to just fit in with trending patterns or prints. where is the originality? i wanna see something new, not something that is a replica. if you wearing this shit to feel like you are that persona or something maybe you should just play the persona videogame series rather than buying some shithead clothes. fuck wasps, fuck wasp tradition. fuck trying to be a wasp. i'm not landed gentry and i'm not trying to look like i'm in the aristocracy. fuck victorian era conceptions of what is 'proper' or 'sophisticated' or 'right' the victorians can eat a dick

Edited by pieiskewl
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  On 1/30/2012 at 4:45 PM, chestercopperpot said:

pretty soon this trend will go and people will be hating on tech ninja, give it time.


"...Our best analyst thinks it's not a tactical design. Something for mall ninjas."

"For what?"

"The new Mitty demographic."

"I'm lost."

"Young men who dress to feel they'll be mistaken for having special capability. A species of cosplay, really. Endemic. Lots of boys are playing soldier now. The men who run the world aren't, and neither are the boys most effectively bent on running it next. Or the ones who're actually having to be soldiers, of course. But many of the rest have gone gear-queer, to one extent or another."


Bigend's teeth showed. "We had a team of cultural anthropologists interview American soldiers returning from Iraq. That's where we first heard it. It's not wholly derogatory, mind you. There are actual professionals who genuinely require these things -- some of them, anyway. Though they generally seem far less fascinated with them. But it's that fascination that interests us, of course."

"It is?"

"It's an obsession with the idea not just of the right stuff, but of the special stuff. Equipment fetishism. The costume and semiotics of achingly elite police and military units. Intense desire to possess same, of course, and in turn to be associated with that world. With its competence, its cocksure exclusivity."

"Sounds like fashion, to me."

"Exactly. Pants, but only just the right ones. We could never have engineered so powerful a locus of consumer desire. It's like sex in a bottle."

"Not for me."

"You're female."

"They want to be soldiers?"

"Not to be. To self-identify as. However secretly. To imagine they may be mistaken for, or at least associated with. Virtually none of these products will ever be used for anything remotely like what they were designed for. Of course that's true of most of the contents of your traditional army-navy store. Whole universes of wistful male fantasy in those places. But the level of consumer motivation we're seeing, the fact that these are often what amounts to luxury goods, and priced accordingly. That's new. I felt like a neurosurgeon, when this was brought to my attention, discovering a patient whose nervous system is congenitally and fully exposed. It's just so nakedly obvious. Fantastic, really."

^ From William Gibson's "Zero History".

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in all honesty you can't hate on companies like jcrew because a majority of the customers are average joes reading gq and esquire trying to look modern within a reasonable budget. they don't care about fashion as a whole. its people like Millers Oath who capitalize on theses trends and really make bank (100 yr old country house on north folk). like it or not jcrew has been doing this for awhile and will be around forever but these up and coming savile row and heritage companies will not they either sell, stay small or die slow.

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Yall just mad dat they are extroverted and actually take picz outside i mean look at aegelus at least that dude goes outside to take fit pics alone, whereas most of these goth ninja dudes work jobs so they can kawp 800 dollar garments and then sit on their gaming pc and play LoL or some shit with the sufu bros and then take fit picz inside. Menswear dudes be getting dat MILF A$$. At the end of the day its Dressed by the internet vs Dressed by GQ and some gay dude writing about perceived women wantz

Edited by Ol_Dirty_Btard
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  On 2/1/2012 at 4:25 AM, Ol_Dirty_Btard said:

Yall just mad dat they are extroverted and actually take picz outside i mean look at aegelus at least that dude goes outside to take fit pics alone, whereas most of these goth ninja dudes work jobs so they can kawp 800 dollar garments and then sit on their gaming pc and play LoL or some shit with the sufu bros and then take fit picz inside. Menswear dudes be getting dat MILF A$$. At the end of the day its Dressed by the internet vs Dressed by GQ and some gay dude writing about perceived women wantz

not sure if serious or just a massive retard

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  On 1/31/2012 at 7:05 PM, homi29 said:

If you live in any major metropolitian area you know that certain trends have gone way too far and people aren't putting any thought into how they consume. The idea of craft or quality being the reason for purchasing is simply burying the truth that kids want to fit in and thats exactly what this menswear shit is capitalizing on. In general this site should be for those who have want to share a greater understanding of style and self-expression so I'm just pointing out that is far more invaluable than purchasing to fit a 'check' list of whats in.

I appreciate good design and craftsmanship as much as anyone else. I still have a great affinity for Japanese denim brands because they truly pour effort into craftsmanship and not promotion. Isn't this just a repeat of what Japanese repro and vintage stores have done for decades only not as well?

Fact is , shopping in New York and online has become boring as fuck and all the shops are putting forth the same safe buys and trends.

yeah there seems to be a strong correlation between this trend and restaurants that serve drinks in mason jars and have "farm-to-table" meats.

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  On 2/1/2012 at 5:55 AM, catchforusthefoxes said:

So if a brands been around for awhile they're good...

Abercrombie & Fitch has been open since 1893 and that's Americana Menswear right?

I never said that J Crew or any of these companies were good. i just stated my issues with the whole menswear/heritage argument. i personally don't like J Crew but i know enough to understand that they will never die. so whats the point in fighting a lost war? even A&F will never die, yeah it's old and died out in America but Abercrombie is perceived as a luxury brand internationally. It's pointless to fight them but you can fight these trade show brands that are not pushing the boundaries of traditional menswear. What's the point in starting a line if you don't have anything new to bring to the table?

Edited by lawless
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Nobody cares if the guy is the nicest guy ever, or if he has the coolest job, if some dudes wearing Alexander the Greats actual sandals or what brands been out there. Wasn't this all about the dudes who are out here trying hard as fuck to be apart of something they think is huge? I have a few things from J Crew but I never wind up looking like that. Its not the brand or menswear. Its a bunch of "posers" or "hypebeasts" and with that hype of course you're going to get hyped out brands.

But seriously, i blame women. I don't remember anyone giving this much of a fuck about clothes before. I remember being called gay for liking clothes and shit.

But now people think they can get in the drawls (vintage drawls) with this shit. Girls out here talkin about "I need a man who can dress, and is into looking like a gentleman" (whatever the fuck that is.)

and Im not even going to act like I don't want du's cameras ^^^

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^ I read somewhere that as women got more rights, jobs, money, power etc, they were no longer dependent on the men to provide the family with money and such. Thus now, women are as free as men to choose who they want. Thus new market (e.g. career women) creates new demand (men who take care of themselves/dress well/are cultured & educated etc) so most likely this brought about the #menswear wave.

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And here we are again:

  On 8/11/2008 at 9:37 PM, djrajio said:

Bro wear.


Nudie jeans. Sneakers. Muscle shirts.

Axe body spray.

My NY jacked-friends are rubbing off on me.

But they get bitches.

You can't get bitches with Rick Owens or Julius.

I already asked bitches about this.

They said "no".

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Misogyny isn't a good thing but women are definitely stepping their games up. And although #menswear isn't anything new, some men will do anything to try to stay trappin in the pussy and cool. And right now for the beasts, that way is dressing like a mannequin in a stock room.

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