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Shoes that look better with age...


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  Maynard Friedman said:

Are you a naturist by any chance? Put some trousers on! :)

Just trying to put the focus on the shoes. For these shots I just pulled my jeans legs up to my knees.

Here's a "normal" pic:


The jeans are 30th anniversary Studio D'Artisan SP 013s, if anyone's wondering.

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I posted these awhile back, but the soles basically fell apart on me. I had to get them resoled, and I needed to get the stitching in the rear fixed as well.

I would have loved to have them done by Taksehi at Hukurokuju, but I didn't want to wait so long to get my boots back. I decided to go with a cobbler that I saw on Marineabilly's blog, and I am incredibly happy with the result.

They used to look like this:p><p>Now:<img src=Picture 980 by ray.wendolowski, on Flickr[/img]

The work was done by Champion Shoe Repair, located in Pompano Beach, Florida. I had to mail them my boots and explain what I wanted, but they were very helpful and very quick. Price was about $100 cheaper than Takeshi, including shipping and the loose stitching repair ($240 total). I also did not request Cat's Paw heels, but I guess they just used what they had in stock.

I have used shoe repair services in my area before, but they have never been as high quality as these repairs. I'm very happy with how they turned out, and I highly recommend them.

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  denimjunky said:

Btw, the british tan is the same leather as the semi dress?

They look kinda similar as the brown chrome excel in tone, dont they?

yeah, that british tan looks really nice. A little lighter brown than the chromexcel, looks like it would be a nice leather. Its a calf skin right? If I get another pair of white's I might end up going for that as a bounty hunter.

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slide13 - Those look phenomenal

  Gang said:
which one gives you more comfortable 'lace to toe boots' or 'plain toe boots'?

Every LTT I've tried compresses the shit out of the ball of my foot. I'll never bother with them again. When I went to White's, the person fitting me said he didn't like the LTT build and only recommended them in special situations, ie for strange feet.

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  morse9443 said:
slide13 - Those look phenomenal

Every LTT I've tried compresses the shit out of the ball of my foot. I'll never bother with them again. When I went to White's, the person fitting me said he didn't like the LTT build and only recommended them in special situations, ie for strange feet.

I just dont like the way they look. I think the regular smokejumpers look better. What I read about the LTT design is that real smokejumpers and loggers like them because you can wear thicker socks with them. makes sense I guess.

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Thanks guys! These were ordered exactly 5 weeks ago from yesterday when they showed up. They quoted a 5-6 week build time, so when you figure in shipping time I figure they beat their estimate by a solid week or two.

The British tan is great. Yes, it's pretty similar to Chromexcel actually, but just a little lighter shade and not quite as soft....sort of in between Chromexcel and standard semi-dress leather in both feel and thickness. Great stuff and looks way better in person, lots of depth and variation to the color which I love.

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Great looking boots, Slide! I think I'll be picking up some White's in the future. I'm set for brown, so black semi-dress will have to do. It will be a while, since I just informed the wifey that I have a package that might contain some Alden's showing up on Friday. Please post some pics as your new pair break in.

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  slide13 said:


Holy SHIT those are gorgeous!! I never thought about the British Tan...until now. Thanks for posting the pics and the details. It's so helpful when folks post the specif configuration considering all the options White's offers.

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  ADH92 said:
If those were leather I'd buy them in a second. Shameee.

I don't think he meant they were made of Burlap, but it's the color name. It's made of leather. or am I missing something here?

Also who ever ordered those in the first place must be VERY picky as it looks like Wesco made them three times for that customer.

since they're selling two of the identical boots in the same size (custom)... one with a small "oil' stain and the other with a needle mark... I guess the guy never planned on wearing those boots outside of the house.

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  ADH92 said:
Oh I think you're right. I feel stupid. I think that color would be hard to pull off.

Yeah it's definitely leather, just one of their color options.

And they should not be too hard to wear, since that roughout will darken a bit over time. That's a great price too for that pair.

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  mikecch said:
^^ Cheers hollows!

^ Yeah - rough out means the grain has been removed (sueded.)

Oh ok, I've never heard it put that way. I thought you meant that they were suede, which I thought was completely different from rough out. I thought suede was specially treated in some way, and rough out was just taking regular leather and using the flip side(?).

But now that I am looking for a definition of the difference between the two I can't find one.

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  rayw44 said:
Oh ok, I've never heard it put that way. I thought you meant that they were suede, which I thought was completely different from rough out. I thought suede was specially treated in some way, and rough out was just taking regular leather and using the flip side(?).

But now that I am looking for a definition of the difference between the two I can't find one.

Hum, yes, you are quite right. I stand corrected.

So, grain-removal = suede, turned-inside-out = rough out.

What a strange use of leather though?

Edit: It is termed "rough out full grain" if the grain is preserved.

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  mikecch said:
^ Thanks CTB. Yeah, the colour isn't the best in my photo either - was too anxious to try them on so I didn't get the lighting right.

It's espresso.

Ha, maybe I was unfair on my old laptop! Gotta spread, as always...

Don't know if you saw this when I posted it a few weeks ago, but this blog has some great Tricker's pics on it, including an espresso Burford that looks the dog's bollocks...plus a pretty decent Stow in burgundy...


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  mikecch said:
Hum, yes, you are quite right. I stand corrected.

So, grain-removal = suede, turned-inside-out = rough out.

What a strange use of leather though?

Edit: It is termed "rough out full grain" if the grain is preserved.

It is kind of weird, and it begs the question "why remove the grain if you can get the same effect just by flipping it over?" And suede typically commands a higher price than roughout.

Not sure if they call it full grain when it remains, but that seems correct in theory.

  demonito said:

The repair job looks great, hats off to Takeshi again. Love the way that heel is stacked and angled like that.

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