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Shoes that look better with age...


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i hate posting redundant questions, so i would like to apologize in advance. but i cant seem to find the answer (or pictures) in this ginormous thread. anyway...

i just purchased the red wing 875s in the copper red color, with a jar of sno seal. however, i am unsure of how much sno seal to apply because i dont want my boots to turn out like this:


the color of the red wings are nice the way they are. im fine with a minor tone change, but it would make me sad if they darken up significantly and similarly to the picture above. advice, anyone? thank you.

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^so you got these?...


imo if you'll apply sno seal on them, they won't get that much darker (if at all possible) cuz it's a complete different leather as the one on the rw 8173...


...which will soak up sno seal like crazy so they get darker like in the pic you've posted!...

so just hit'em with a layer of ss and you're good to go i'd say!...

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  Mugnut said:
My Orvis x Alden Aviators tried to kill me in the 1-2" dusting we have in Boston. I'm amazed by how slippery the Alden composite soles (same as the Indy's sole) are in snow. Anything to be done short of a resole to increase traction?

These things need hobnails if you want to wear them in winter. . .

You can get a commando sole cemented on top of the Alden sole by a good cobbler for $40. I had it done by Moulded Shoe on my Leather soled Alden Boots. I just have it replaced when it starts wearing down to the leather and rubber heel...

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2nd that Mike147...

it is called a "toppy" or top sole here in NY, and sure elsewhere..

lots of people get their Cobblers to do it for their winter shoes in particular over their nice leather soles... so we can walk down the nastier NY cement slushy slick streets of the city with a little more protection from nasty falls and the worst.... highly polished building lobbies.. which can break a hip!

Growing up wearing boots i have been having it done to all my shoes , because walking everyday in city streets in general eat shoes fast.... and I like the option of having a few cheap top soles wear down over the course of a year or so, before ever wearing into the real shoes' sole.

you can also always have the toppy just pulled off by the Cobbler at the end of the bad weather season as well..

hope it helps..

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  Zubin said:
/\ they really are nice boots and will probably be my first pair of aldens but the orvis by me doesnt carry them. I want to get properly fitted and not go through the hassle of buying and returning shoes

love how this looks. I would probably do this to my pair:


Wait for free shipping, order two pairs to your home. Return the pair that doesn't fit to your local Orvis Store - DONE.

From what I know, they are built on the Trubalance Last - so try on some INDY's, narrow it down to two sizes and order from Orvis..

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Hey guys,

I just put some Obenauf's leather oil on my White's BHs with the standard Black Smooth leather. I swear that leather literally soaked up a quarter of the bottle of oil.

My question is, is there any way to polish that type of leather? Or will it be forever matte finish?

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  Mike147 said:
How they fitting now?

Better so far, I haven't worn them much because it's been snowy here for the last week or so.

Nice looking engineers Eddie.

Merry Christmas Shooz thread. I'm half drunk on English Whiskey, sloe gin and grey goose vodka.

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great looking Wesco narrows Ed! If i ever have some extra money on the side it will definitely go to a pair of engineers like those

btw happy xmas to all you boots loving/obsessing sufu guys

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  demonito said:
wesco jobmaster , boss in burlap and wesco narrow engineer boots


How are your Jobmasters breaking in? Have you been wearing a lot to ride?

Mine have been braking in well - but I've been doing the usual pussy suburban dad weekend shit with them. So they fit well but look new...

Also - What are you doing for laces? I've just been rocking the yellowish ones they came with. Just planning for next pair when they wear out...


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yeah tyou know how it is then...the weather is perfect today,

and the rest of the week, shitty slush..

great boots for it...

i just learned tonight (the hard way) that redwings are warm with good wool socks,

BUT the Christy sole is not really ideal for snow, there is just no traction...

that kinda sucks...

what kind of sole so most prefer for snow?

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vibram 100?

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  davichan said:

yeah tyou know how it is then...the weather is perfect today,

and the rest of the week, shitty slush..

great boots for it...

i just learned tonight (the hard way) that redwings are warm with good wool socks,

BUT the Christy sole is not really ideal for snow, there is just no traction...

that kinda sucks...

what kind of sole so most prefer for snow?

If you think the Christy is bad, wait until you try the 2021!

Yeah, I like the Vibram 100 or Montagna as well. The Airbob is what I have on my Russells, and it's great. Everything sucks on ice though - except studs or crampons! :P


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