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Out in Left Field (1/1/2012-1/1/2013)


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here's my intro post.

i'm christian and i live in metro-ATL with my new wife and our two dogs. i'll be rocking these with the rest of the business casual crew. my little denim project for 2012 is going to be rocking these and my og roys almost exclusively.

some of the things i'll be doing in these pants include: working at my standing desk, spinning my ever-growing vinyl collection, hiking, and hitting the golf links.

ps: nice coat mapz and kansas. i like mine too.

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Not a great update today... but it was sunny and I was outside with my iphone... the pants are starting to show some fades... no washes yet...


Rising Sun ranch hand

Left Field

Vintage Bob Smart shoes

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Went to a flea market yesterday and bought a belt. And it was such a nice day that I just sat in the back yard with my roommate hanging out the rest of the afternoon.





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for the button-popping crew: someone once told me a good technique for easily strengthening a button's stitching is to put a dab of clear nail polish on the thread (I imagine the back, unless you're going for a shiny-thread look). I haven't tried it but it makes sense to me - essentially laminating most of the thread.

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  On 1/19/2012 at 12:24 AM, dkatz said:

for the button-popping crew: someone once told me a good technique for easily strengthening a button's stitching is to put a dab of clear nail polish on the thread (I imagine the back, unless you're going for a shiny-thread look). I haven't tried it but it makes sense to me - essentially laminating most of the thread.

I just sat down one evening and had a few beers and watched tv and slowly but surely added stitching to all the buttons on the fly. I decided the proactive measures were negligible when compared to having to fish it out of a urinal or something because I waited too long. I'm a little surprised I put forth this much effort, little as it may be. Is that a bad thing?

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  On 1/19/2012 at 1:14 AM, smittybat said:

Kansas, what brand/model trumpet up there ^?

it is a yamaha xeno model. i've played yamaha for about 16 years. bach stradivarius before that.

would the clear nail polish become brittle and degrade the thread, for lack of a better term?

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surly i'm planning on doing the same thing. i've had that happen to me once - i'd rather not revisit the scene.

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I have a little on the inside leg seems.


Also sat on something and spot washed it. That area seems lighter too. I might do a soak this weekend. I want to set the cuffs flat. Going to skip the hem. These are going to look pretty wild after a year.

You guys wearing these a work pants should keep wearing them until you called in for dress code violations.

Edited by ihatebrianwilliams
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hi guys, I've been lurking in superdenim for a long time. I'd be happy to take fre-co's spot in this contest if you guys are okay with it. I live in Vancouver BC and have already purchased a pair which should arrive sometime next week. I am a crazy denim fanatic and I'll make sure to give my best in updates on the jawns and the beautiful city of Vancouver. :)

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^ womp womp. bummer.

adh you certainly would've been taken care of in chicago. another great piece, nonetheless.

Edited by mapz
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my basketball team had a tournament this weekend. we finished third. nice little start to the season. no pics, sorry.

my pants and I did some home improvement today.

turned this.


into this.


this afternoon Jack and I watched some of the football game. Go Pats!


then I hung out in the back yard.




now I'm listening to this.


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No cool places this weekend, but while I was out and the sunlight was just right I looked down and saw these subtle hues... I'm also noticing blue and dark blue lines doing down the pants... maybe it's just the starch wearing off... either way it's cool.


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will be taking my pair in tomorrow for a hem. probably won't be getting them back until february as well.

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