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Are NUDIES done?


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after alexbigman (aka fashionxcore suburban tuff guy) posted his olas, i'd like to avoid anything that he allies himself with...

that said, it'd definitely still pick up some nudies at a good price point. i'd never pay $265 or whatever for rrds, but i'd definitely get some slim jims if they were on sale for maybe $100-$125.

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I just don't see them on the WYWT thread anymore, it seems like everyone is back into the japanese repro thing.

--- Original message by damnIam on Jun 13, 2006 10:05 AM

the world is hella big (ahem), and superfuture is small. of course if you're talking about trends on the boards then yeah maybe people are moving on to different things. i still think their fit guide is cool.
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I just don't see them on the WYWT thread anymore, it seems like everyone is back into the japanese repro thing.

--- Original message by damnIam on Jun 13, 2006 10:05 AM

the world is hella big (ahem), and superfuture is small. of course if you're talking about trends on the boards then yeah maybe people are moving on to different things. i still think their fit guide is cool.

--- Original message by tweedlesinpink on Jun 13, 2006 10:11 AM

Yeah, on the boards is what I meant. It seem like they have run their course here, but you are right, SF probably does not represent everyone.
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Nudie is getting some mainstream exposure which means SF is gonna hate on it. I like the fit of the slim jims though (just picked up some dry blacks), and at 130 on sale it's not a bad price. I'm definitely riding the SF hate bandwagon and taking the back pocket stiches off though haha.

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I think we here at SF really like to wear things which we ourselves only know and can discuss about. We like stuff that's under the radar. So not only in denims, in other labels as well. We're forward thinkers for sure!

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Quote: I think we here at SF really like to wear things which we ourselves only know and can discuss about. We like stuff that's under the radar. So not only in denims, in other labels as well. We're forward thinkers for sure!

that's true!

but I'll keep wearing nudies, because I love the fit of the slim jim and glenn. though I'm kinda pissed that they are available in my "city" now.

oh well, at least they don't sell dry ones!

abc 123

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what makes something DONE? just cuz more and more people like it? what's wrong with just wearing stuff you like, no matter if it's popular or not?

--- Original message by Landy on Jun 13, 2006 10:35 AM

"just cuz more and more people like it?"-EXACTLY..

the whole point for me is to feel unique and different..so for me, done means "overdone" I guess.

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whatever dude

it's called being too busy to even pay attention

p.s. look deep enough and most people will write chinese

--- Original message by FGuru on Jun 13, 2006 11:03 AM

90% of your posts are hocking/pimping cheap monday.

the not-so-subtle "have you guys heard of this hot new brand cheap monday?" bullshit isn't going to fly around here. you're a cheap monday rep? awesome! give us some fucking credit and tell us about upcoming releases, retail locations, etc., because we'd actually be interested.

no one's going to fall for your wack-ass underhanded marketing.

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To the original question, well it all depends on taste and whether you concerned with whether you are 'in fashion' or ahead of mainstream fashion.

I am in the process of ordering some raw Baggy Bjorns. This will be my first pair of Nudies. I had stayed away from Nudies both 'before' they were in fashion and while they have / are still reaching their peak of mainstream fashion.

The reason was simply because I didnt like any of the cuts (that I was aware of). For example, I will never ever wear "skinny", extreme "bootcut" "low rise" regardless of whether these jeans are in fashion or not, because I dont think they will suit me. To me, Nudies kind of exemplarised these fits.

Since finding out and learning more about denim, I saw the BB fit, and I really like the look of it, so I am gonna get a pair regardless of whether that makes me 'in or your out' (like Heidi Klum says on 'Project Runway') Not that Ive ever watched it. icon_smile_tongue.gif

I cant understand why you would stop wearing a pair of jeans if you like the cut and fit just cos they become mainstream.

Please click my website for some cool stuff for sale

Various brand new Edwins and new footwear UK 11 / US 12. Updated regularly.


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Yeah, I am definitely still diggin my rrds and my SSDS flames. I don't know if I would pay $265 for them still, but I think that has more to do with the fact that I already have them. I like to try new brands so naturally the appeal of something I already have is lost. I doubt I will buy another pair of RRDS or SSDS, but if they come out with another nice fitting selvage jean, then I would definitely fork over some more cash. I think most people on these boards already have the RRDS or some other variation of Nudies and, like me, want to try something new when they dish out wads of money.

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Well, I never really liked Nudies, (they look like 80s Jordach or Sergio Valente) cuts to me and (being in my late thirties) I was sick of seeing them then. So, in fact, I do not own a pair but if they fit me good I would continue to wear them. If this is in contradiction to my previous post I apologise. If they fit you by all means wear them. I guess the observation that led me to making this post is lately I have not seen/heard much about them on this board as it seems the Japanese have been pretty dominate lately.

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sorry can't help you there - love the brand but would not even begin to think to sell it anywhere?

P.S. If you can hook me up as an agent - let me know if you can hook it up for me

--- Original message by FGuru on Jun 13, 2006 01:42 PM

are you talking?
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