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the short duu treak. how to maintain swag under 5'6''?


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I'm 5'6", 135 pounds.

I've got a baby-face too so I wear slimmer clothing because baggy clothing would make me look like a 14 year old or some shit.

Mostly black slim jeans and Japanese brands. I'm usually a small in Japanese brands and extra small in European. Don't know if any of that shit even helped.

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Also short and not skinny with athletic thighs. In between a 36 and 38 for tops. As far as slim fitting pants go, the pair of Ervell summer jeans (09) I have has the fit I'm looking for. I'll prob buy the winter jeans if they have the same cut.

Buying outerwear is the worst

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  cyberPUNK said:
I'm 5'6", 135 pounds.

I've got a baby-face too so I wear slimmer clothing because baggy clothing would make me look like a 14 year old or some shit.

Mostly black slim jeans and Japanese brands. I'm usually a small in Japanese brands and extra small in European. Don't know if any of that shit even helped.

Same here, but im 5'7 130 lbs. I tried on some xs shirts from apc the other day and most fitted a tad too big :(

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you guys seriously need to bulk up or something

5'6" and 120lb/130lb is approaching concentration camp status.

5'7" and 155 from years of biking/surfing/bjj/hiking/nearly dying

come at me bro

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  ke1 said:
Vamp, Daphne, and Epoc all look over 5'8 and I think Mellow is 5'5/5'6.

I stay away from pants with low rises because it just takes away added length from your legs.

i'm 5'8 and close to 160 lbs B| will my input still be relevant?

e: just ate ~1200 calorie queso nacho meal with extra chicken from qdoba and i weighed in at 162 Negative_Man.png

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  daphneYOUfindME said:
i'm 5'8 and close to 160 lbs B| will my input still be relevant?

e: just ate ~1200 calorie queso nacho meal with extra chicken from qdoba and i weighed in at 162 Negative_Man.png

still relevant because you fall into medium/large confusion? i guess this treak can be for those with some meat on them bones no matter hight. but short duus got it even worse when we wide in shoulders.

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i'm 5'9, 130lbs.

i find that european/american brands kinda fit large on me. xs usually is fine, but an s is def way too big for me.

on japanese brands:

where can i find nice japanese stuff? there's zozo, but navigating the site illiterate can be a pain and i'd like some recommendations.

of course there's uc/n(n)/dbss, but most of it i can't afford anyway.

some help?

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i'm a medium in uniqlo. the length of the button-ups are just barely passable for me. i have one of their japan sized coated cotton jackets and it's an XL :o someone trade me a sz 50 toj1 varsity for my 48 toj0 plz!!

but ya, pretty much agree with Will. i still fux with my droopy crotch sweats and long AA tanks. turn dat swag up and look comfortable.

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  .Will17 said:

edit: im about 5'6"

Say whaaaa? I always assumed you were well into the six foot club. Dunno why now actually :confused:

Oh and 130lbs at 6 foot is clinically underweight. (I'm 6 foot and have yet to enter normal weight category, but I'm working on it!).

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