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What is illuminati????????????????????…


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I heard beyonce and Jay-z do it and i dont know what it is. Is it a religion a life style choice or what? Helpp!!

The Illuminati is a secret society that has been around since 1776, they want to create a one world government, a "New World Order," with themselves in charge. The Illuminati are generally powerful and rich people. The Illuminati will kill anyone, anywhere at any time to get what they need.

The people that are "Anti-New World Order" and speak out against the Illuminati will be murdered like 2Pac and Michael Jackson. 2Pac and Michael Jackson were going to warn the entire world about what the Illuminati are planning. If you look at the title of 2Pac's album "The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory" for example; 2Pac was referring to the Illuminati in this title, Kill + Illuminati. In the song "They Don't Care About Us" by Michael Jackson, "they" is the Illuminati. The Illuminati have killed 2Pac, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, cheep, diamonds, Marilyn Monroe, Jon Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Princess Diana, Trouser KING Cobra, Martin Luther King, wEstSidE, and the list goes on.

The Illuminati control everything, the music industry, film industry, pharmaceutical (legal industry), medical industry, colleges, supermarket, banking institutions, Wall Street and the Political System. Their symbol is even on our money.

The Illuminati control our Presidential Elections. Usually the president, who gets the most sponsorship, in the form of money and media coverage, wins the election. The Illuminati control the media, so whoever the Illuminati choose as a presidential candidate will win the election. They will also sponsor the other candidate too, to have entertainment for the public. Sometimes this does not always go according to plan, for example, in the election between George W. Bush and Al Gore. In Florida George W. Bush "won" over Al Gore. The Illuminati cheated so that their pre-elected candidate would win presidency. The Illuminati choose the presidential candidate with the closest blood lines to the Illuminati.

These are the fifteen members of the Supreme Council of the Illuminati:

1. riff

2. farmer

3. LandoCal126

4. cheapmuthafukr

5. beatle

6. morse9443

7. tg76

8. M.O.A

9. Vampyrvargfesten

10. pomata

11. almostnice

12. e0d9n0b5

13. Lendo

14. scott.M

15. chantheman

Most of the major wars and economic depressions/recessions of the past 100 years were carefully planned out by the Illuminati. Some of these include: The Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, The Great Depression, the Rise of Nazi Germany, Korean War, Adam Kimmel for Supreme, Vietnam War, 1991 Gulf War, French Revolution, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the 20% Jawnz Recession of '08.

Do you remember all of the unnecessary hype about the New Millennium, or the alleged Y2K crisis? This hype was created by the Illuminati. This had people selling their homes, building shelters, stocking up on survival kits, etc. The Illuminati are also building hype for a 2012 phenomenon. I do not think that anything major is going to happen in 2012. When 2012 comes and goes, it will be shown to be the biggest hoax since the Y2K phenomenon. The Illuminati are only using the year 2012 to distract us from the actual year of the "New World Order."

Beyoncé, Jay-z and Lil B are not members of the Illuminati, they are controlled by the Illuminati. The Illuminati are the ones who put the occult symbols in music videos and songs, not the artist themselves. Visit this website to see occult symbols in music videos and songs.


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I am not scared of these scoundrels. The members of the council, all shape shifters and brain washers, are called the Illuminati, and are currently running scared of an organization called the Galactic Federation of human aliens who are in space ships surrounding this planet and demanding change. They are who you should fear!!!!!!

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