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people idolize bateman?

I think I will pick up the book because I thought the movie was done well and I want to start reading more fiction. The mind of a sociopath/psychopath (whatever is the correct term) is obviously a very interesting area but I wonder how accurate an (assumingly) non-socio/psychopath can truly capture the inner workings of the mind.

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  rgray said:
The mind of a sociopath/psychopath (whatever is the correct term) is obviously a very interesting area but I wonder how accurate an (assumingly) non-socio/psychopath can truly capture the inner workings of the mind.
  okonomi said:
The book has a completely different tone to the movie as well. All the people who 'idolise' Bateman are obviously ones who've only seen the movie.
  youre sketch said:

American Psycho the book is fucking great. I was not expecting it to be that good, but I seriously enjoyed it.

  rgray said:
question for people who have read American Psycho and seen the movie.

In the movie when bateman doesn't kill his secretary he shows what seems to be a legit sense of sympathy or self doubt. Something as though he doesn't want to kill her. I don't know if that makes any sense, but he just acts with more emotion or at least Bale portrays it that way. Anyways, how is this conveyed in the book? Is it worth reading the book? Does it convey much more than the movie?

for those that haven't seen this quote from Ellis:

"[bateman] was crazy the same way [i was]. He did not come out of me sitting down and wanting to write a grand sweeping indictment of yuppie culture. It initiated because my own isolation and alienation at a point in my life. I was living like Patrick Bateman. I was slipping into a consumerist kind of void that was supposed to give me confidence and make me feel good about myself but just made me feel worse and worse and worse about myself. That is where the tension of "American Psycho" came from. It wasn't that I was going to make up this serial killer on Wall Street. High Concept. Fantastic. It came from a much more personal place, and that's something that I've only been admitting in the last year or so. I was so on the defensive because of the reaction to that book that I wasn't able to talk about it on that level."

i also thought this was a great discussion about the book:


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did you know, that if you skip breakfast, you can justify eating larger meals throughout the day? this is a new revelation to me. i dont think i've missed breakfast since the 2nd grade.

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  TTM said:
did you know, that if you skip breakfast, you can justify eating larger meals throughout the day? this is a new revelation to me. i dont think i've missed breakfast since the 2nd grade.

During the weekdays (always wake up around 12 on the weekends).. I've had the same breakfast for about 3 years now.

One Double Stuf Oreo and a glass of milk.

I am satisfied till lunch.

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  rgray said:
people idolize bateman?

The italics were my lazy way of saying that I can't work out a more accurate word. A lot of people seem to see him as a loveable villain, which makes me think they must be missing the point to some extent.

On an unrelated note: tumblr_lp9xeeuTyP1qz7lxdo1_500.jpg

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  rgray said:

In the movie when bateman doesn't kill his secretary he shows what seems to be a legit sense of sympathy or self doubt. Something as though he doesn't want to kill her. I don't know if that makes any sense, but he just acts with more emotion or at least Bale portrays it that way. Anyways, how is this conveyed in the book? Is it worth reading the book? Does it convey much more than the movie?

Please read the book. It's wayyyy better than the movie.


it's hinted that Batman actually likes his secretary. I think in one of Ellis' later books they got married or something.

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  Denton said:
I was always told it's healthier to eat smaller amounts more frequently rather than one or two big meals

this is an ongoing debate in the world of fitness. I can't say what is right or wrong, however some academic research suggest intermittent fasting (IF) may have merit. Coming from months of personal experience, many small meals a day can promote fat loss, however it can drive you crazy through depriving you of regular and truly filling meals (not to mention stress caused by timing & social restriction).

Based on the great deal of anecdotes ive read, those who adopt a fasted eating routine (15-19 hours fasting, 2 or 3 meals split over the remaining time) say the diet is more sustainable in the long run, as in months to years. Its probably a combination of psychological and hormonal reasons.

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so i guess i might be going back to college after like a six month absence...

really have no desire to hang out with my old friends or whatever

idk i only have like 2 friends and they both go to school in my hometown

ok whatever it will work out

just need to find housing sign up for classes recover from surgery pack up and move back pick a major whatever no big deal


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there's an article on a page of the financial post I haven't bothered to read until just now. I just noticed that there's a little picture of Mr. Burns hazily printed in the background (topic of article: blood sucking corporate types).

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