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Ofwgkta...swag Swag!

dunkin deeznuts

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best thing i heard about tyler, the creator

"If Lil B is the based god, then Tyler, the Creator is the Based Satan."


but ferreal, the bastard mixtape was fire. he raps about ridiculous things just to cause a stir but sometimes he just speaks truth and it's so dark but real.

edit: any NY kids go to the OF show at santos? looked crazy. they're comin to SF Feb 22nd but tickets are sold out already.

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  Nil said:
Are you labeling horrorcore as southern in origin? If so, I'll take umbrage with that statement considering most of those dudes during the peak of it came from NY, Detroit and the Bay.

Fuck if I know anything about Witchhouse though.

I don't really know anything about horrorcore. I used to listen to Brotha Lynch Hung and I guess Cage is kinda horrorcore, but more nerd rap.

But the Witch House shit is basically Screw music from hell. They borrowed most heavily from Houston/Memphis/etc steez in my opinion and I know there's some crazy horrocore shit down there.

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  DÃœM said:
They're acting like any skate rat kids imo.

Haha it's interesting that you say this because Tyler's persona reminds me of this 14 year skate rat in my town. Dresses really similarly actually. Went into a girl's basement and pissed on a bible he found and does all sorts of petty shit to get a reaction just cause he likes to "fuck shit up". I think the tallent is there but I'd like to see how good the work actually is if you take away the satanism and stuff intended to get a reaction. I like dark stuff when it's done right but when something is dark for the shock value only, it's kind of a novelty. Same goes for "rawness". I'll take good over "so raw it will melt your face off" any day.

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  snahfu said:
and whats with all the hate on LUPE. who doesnt like rap involving social justice and equality, haha

"that album with the faces on it"

Alright, I think I'm done arguing on the Internet. I haven't even listened to Bastard yet. I just heard Tyler on Mellowhype's tape. I'd recommend Blackenedwhite if you wanna check them, but don't like the devil shit.


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  snahfu said:
and whats with all the hate on LUPE. who doesnt like rap involving social justice and equality, haha

Listen to some of his mixtapes. Dude raps about more gangster shit in a real way than most gangster rappers. Check his Sittin Sideways freestyle for a good example.

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Everyone knows of his exploits because he's so obnoxious about them. He showed up at a house party and proceeded to purposely break random furniture, for example. Stuff like that gets around.

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skatt rattz they are

which is one of the reasons why i fux with them so hard (pasue). but fuck a reasons. peep this shitt

from '07



and yes 2dopeboyz are bitchmande

how are you gonna post this after posting this

talking about not having a "problem". keeping it -100million

way to build credibility for their blogg

speaking of blogs and to address the horrorcore nonsese: http://tumblinerb.com/post/1270164437/wolf-haley-hodgy-beats-sandwitches-ofwgkta

swagcore, skatecore. see what im doing? i can make up subgenres too

Horrorcore is a comfortable shorthand for critics who don’t really want to actually explain or think about music and probably only have a vague recollection of what actual Horrorcore even was in the first place

BOW! (flocka voice)

P.S. i c u big GOOSH

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  DÃœM said:
I don't really know anything about horrorcore. I used to listen to Brotha Lynch Hung and I guess Cage is kinda horrorcore, but more nerd rap.

I grew up on Brotha Lynch and Andrew Nickatina. I think the difference between those two rappers, who said a lot of things for shock value and rapped about eating babies, and OF, is that they chose and produced way better beats. Putting hype, image and persona aside, they just made better music.

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OF is not horrorcore.

i think tyler the creator himself said that he hates being pigeonholed into one microgenre.

anyway what i like about him is that he isn't lazy. he doesn't expect anyone other than the rest of OF to help him and he makes all of his shit himself. no sampling or anything. never went to film school (only spent 4 days at some JC) and made yonkers. so i respect his hustle.

  DÃœM said:
the people who can't shut up about them

yeah there's nothing wrong with being obsessed over something. to be enthusiastic. but it is so superficial and irritating when all you talk about is this one thing to the point where you alienate everyone around you. and it honestly could be any subject. it could be rappers, clothes, whatever. any repetitive or narrow interest.

and it's not like these people are neurotypical of autism or the sperg. it's kind of sloppy to throw those terms around as if every enthused person has a behavioral issue. but it is simple though. they just want attention like everyone else. and it's disingenuous because i can't tell if they actually appreciate the thing or just the constant attention they receive from talking about it. and, to me, that deserves more pity than hate.

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