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Ofwgkta...swag Swag!

dunkin deeznuts

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so been hearing bout these fools for a minuet....new wu-tang...black eminems.....

they killed it on jimmy fallon last night...wear supreme.....gone viral....scotty m. got tossed off the stage.....werd......

nice grimey beats.....with dark raps/verses but seem kind of just thrown together but it works....

real deal or just some punk ass kids or both.....

discuss, post vids pics...whatever......

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The closest thing they have to Wu is their branding. They've created a mythology about themselves I guess. I def like their image more than I like the music so far (even though I hate their album covers)

I'm down though, the hypebeast forum breeds rappers apparrently. They're infinitely better than Lupe.

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peanuts tumblr had me deaded page by page

and they got fools moshing to waka flocka...where else do they do that at?!

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what the fuck is stagediving? more like swagdiving. diving in that junya swaggue


larry clarkXmarcjacobsxgolfwang

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  DÃœM said:
The closest thing they have to Wu is their branding. They've created a mythology about themselves I guess. I def like their image more than I like the music so far (even though I hate their album covers

Couldnt have said it better myself. I haven't heard anything that's blown me away musically, but they're ethos is dope so fuck it.

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