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Why aren't the members of IRAK in jail?

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These guys are some of the most notorious writers in NYC, and they aren't very secretive about it.

Their faces and images are all over the internet, and they themselves can be spotted at certain downtown boutiques, bars and clubs.

Given Giuliani's, and now Bloomberg's, crackdown on graffiti, why haven't these guys been arrested?

Don't get me wrong, I have no beef with IRAK. I love their shit. I'm just confused.

It surprises me that these guys seem to be ignoring one of the most important unwritten law in graff: keep a low profile.

Is there something I'm not getting? Have these guys already spent time in jail, so they can't be prosecuted for tags and throwies around the city unless they are caught in the act?

Clue me in.

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So you're telling me if someone walked up to Bloomberg, pointed to a wall with my throwie, then showed him a blackbook of mine with the same throwie, I couldn't get into trouble?

--- Original message by eastcoastrider27 on May 15, 2006 06:58 PM

Basically. They get most of their arrests from inside info.
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Exactly. Without catching any individual in the act of committing a crime, prosecuting it becomes too much of a hassle when it comes to offenses such as these.

You'd have to walk up to Bloomie, point to a throwie, point to yr book, ask to be arrested, actually convince him to get an officer to arrest you, submit your book as evidence at the trial, and plead guilty right off the bat in order to end up in jail. Theoretically. In other words, you have to fucking work hard to get those three square meals.

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The link definately does not say that. It would just be more difficult to prosecute, and likely not worth it.

Edited by HEWSINATOR on May 15, 2006 at 07:05 PM

--- Original message by HEWSINATOR on May 15, 2006 07:04 PM

Well the NYPD is known to go outside the "law'. In the Guiliani Admin and now the Bloomberg admin, making New York "clean" and "safe" for tourists is top priority. Ive know people that got arrested from detective work that involved informants.
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Also, I think one of the main reasons is that most of the members of that crew have already been to jail numerous times for graffiti and other crimes, so they don't give a shit anymore

The kid with the most knoweldge

Will touch and attain top dollas

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^That's why I was thinking it might be a Double Jeopardy type deal.

If they've already been to jail for graffiti, how do the cops know their tags aren't old?

So now they have to catch them in the act.

Whatever, those dudes are crazy. To be honest, I'm surprised none of them have died (knock on wood). They live such a crazy lifestyle.

It's cool to see that graffiti is still alive today.

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ok, off topic but some what related, did any one ever see the video marc echo did where he hire a jet and makes it seem like he was tagging on the airforce one and made a website talk about freedom all that good stuff, but basically the whole thing was a hoax?

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ok, off topic but some what related, did any one ever see the video marc echo did where he hire a jet and makes it seem like he was tagging on the airforce one and made a website talk about freedom all that good stuff, but basically the whole thing was a hoax?

--- Original message by 6MT on May 16, 2006 01:55 AM

I heard that was fake...

Its airforce one, security wouldnt be stupid enough to let graff artists sneak up on them and bomb a plane...

Damn, Im here too?

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ok, off topic but some what related, did any one ever see the video marc echo did where he hire a jet and makes it seem like he was tagging on the airforce one and made a website talk about freedom all that good stuff, but basically the whole thing was a hoax?

--- Original message by 6MT on May 16, 2006 01:55 AM

I heard that was fake...

Its airforce one, security wouldnt be stupid enough to let graff artists sneak up on them and bomb a plane...

--- Original message by stuntastic on May 16, 2006 11:19 AM

yeah it was totally fake....the idiots rented a 747 and painted the side to look like airforce one....

the article is online im sure if you dig around you can find it....

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Innercity graffitti can make a place look better and brighten the mood of an otherwise depressing atmosphere.

Suburban kids tagging every mother fucking white wall in site with their stupid fucking name is a eyesore.

--- Original message by damnIam on May 16, 2006 06:51 AM

lol there is a diff between innercity graffiti and graffiti from the subs?

or are you saying it dosnt belong in the suburbs?....

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i know all of what you said about seventh letter. however Gkae got slapped before the clothing was really out and known, now hes painting under another name in the east coast... they all are part of msk awr but if you look at most of the shit being painted you will find alot of instances of "theseventhletter" in some form or another being painted along with the piece, if not THE piece itself. its not like IRAK isnt doing the same thing either, its a clothing company made out of a graffiti crew.

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ok, off topic but some what related, did any one ever see the video marc echo did where he hire a jet and makes it seem like he was tagging on the airforce one and made a website talk about freedom all that good stuff, but basically the whole thing was a hoax?

--- Original message by 6MT on May 16, 2006 01:55 AM

It's hardly a "hoax"

When I saw that video on it's official web page it had a disclaimer basically stating that it was not an actual event that took place.

Not trying to defend Ecko or whatever, just saying it's not really a hoax if you are admitting that it's all bullshit straight off the bat.

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