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  the_state said:
one of my frineds used glenn jason and wasn't too happy. he said for 60$, you can get a cut that's just as good and not deal w/ the hassle of booking 3 months in advance and dealish with his diva-like demeanor. he also said the word "rock star" was thrown around about 25 times.

it was pretty cool there. good haircut, and glenn wasn't even there... i had trace cut mine, real down to earth guy, definitely not a diva.

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  truest said:
speaking of hairmates

last time i went mao did a pretty good job on my medium length hair. but im thinking of getting my hair cut pretty short, worth going to hairmates again?

also saw this online


oh good looks man. i'll try to make that red go away when i can rep again

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I went to Hair Mates for the first time last week based on what I heard about it on here. It was great. Ive paid over $100 for similar service and will never make that mistake again. Everyone took their time even though the place was packed.

I tipped the lady 10 and the washer 3.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i tried setagaya last week

ive never tried momofuku so i don't really have a basis for comparison

but setagaya wasn't that great.

i think id rather go to the ramen place next to hairmates.

FYI, setagaya isn't japanese owned. most people who were lining up were non-japanese too.

-2 cents from a real japanese man

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  mizanation said:
yeah setagaya sucks. so disappointed.

i hope ippudo is going to be run and operated by japanese people. there is no good ramen in new york. there i said it.

I've given up on ramen in NYC too. I've been going to Soba Koh and Uminoie a lot recently. The akamiso at Uminoie is damn good.

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  Chicken said:

i often went to cafe duke's on 51st bet 6th and 7th for korean ramen. the noodle was completely instant. but i liked it for what it was. reminded me of college and home a bit.

haha, I may have been in line with you! My office moved though and now I'm only a block from Menkuitei and Menchankotei so if I'm really jonesing for some ramen, I just go there.

On a related noodle note, who's got the best Kistune Udon ?

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  mizanation said:
menkuitei is not bad. it's definitely not good.

Of all the crappy ramen in NYC, I think that Menkuitei ranks fairly high up. So it's like being a starter on the JV team.

Next question: anyone ever try that curry place that opened in the west 30's? I remember seeing ads for it but I haven't checked it out.

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  mizanation said:
whenever i eat at menkuitei i ask them to put in extra soup stock.

petey, you must be talking about go-go kare. supposed to be alright, haven't been though.

is that the katsu-curry joint?

i was reading japion and saw an ad for a katsu-curry place....

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