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are these lvc authentic?


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i am considering buyinf these but i have no experience on LVC so i wanted to know if they are authentic.seller says they are marked irregular but he says that after close inspection they look like the other lvc's he has.. what can i expect to appear in a factory marked irregular from levi's?


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I'm no expert and I've been wrong before, but they look off to me. That selvage line looks too close to the indigo thread. The arcuate looks weak. The fact that the denim is ragged next to the tag... the fading doesn't even look as natural as it normally does. I don't think these are real.

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yeah, i only noticed now that these 33's don't have the suspender buttons, but i found a clearer image of the pair of rakuten:


i also find the selvage bizarre looking, but if you look closely you can also see it on the rajuten page. it also has a close up photo of the waist and it shows that the holes left by the suspender buttons where sewn up.

so, what do you think?authentic or not?

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They're definitely authentic. Yes, the selvage looks different, but the Rakuten one is the same.I've seen the jeans these are copied off, which are very beautiful (see p44, Denim, Tr***a and Marsh) - altho the wear's not as good as the original, it's not bad. Because some of the distressed LVC jeans are copied off specific examples, they will copy the modifications, which is why the cinch and the suspender buttons have been removed.

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thanks for your answers people :). paulT since you seem to be the levi's expert in here, can you tell me what to expect in a pair marked irregular by levi's? are there really that much significant flaws in them?

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If Paul says they're authentic and he knows more than I do, I'm not about to disagree, but if they're the same as the ones on rakutan shouldn't they have the same markings on the bottom of the leg?

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Irregular would probably be a stitching error, I guess, or an imperfect wash. From memory, the Takuten ones had wear on the cuffs, yes? I don't know why these haven't, perhaps that could be why they're irregular, but there's a large hand-done element to the finishing on jeans like these.

Incidentally, I had a pair of fiarly recent 33 reissues, since lost, and the selvage was identical. I'm surprised these have the bat wing logo on the wash tag, but again I'm confident they're not fakes.

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thanks PaulT. i have decided not to go for the 33 model though. i found out they are actually lightweight denim when i tried them on and i like my jeans to be heavier, even for the summer. i guess i am now trying to decide the 44 or 47's, i really dunno which one to choose :x. i guess i will be waiting until i can actually try the jeans on somewhere,

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