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pomade appreciation

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today i got a cut at hawleywood's in long beach. overall i had a great first experience. the shop has a lot of beer and a lot of pictures of phat pussies. i decided to keep the top long with the sides and the back tight and tapered. they also carry their own in-store pomade that is really good. you can buy it at the store or order it. definitely recommended.




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^ Black and White is really popular in the UK. It seems to be more readily available there, than here in the states. As far as I've been able to see, anyways.

Same as Sweet Georgia Brown, I'm pretty sure it's readily available there too.

Stuff like Layrite, Suavacito, Grant's, etc etc is all U.S. made. So chances of a stockist in the UK or anywhere outside of the U.S. for that matter, is gonna be very slim to none.

yeah i was trying to inquire on wholesale for all them brands except dapper, and they dont reply whatsoever, if you want some suavecito i can pick some up the next time i go to get my hair cut, they got some.


I'm definitely interested, so hit me up with the price and such. Is there any other brand you can get locally? Let me know, there are still a shit ton of other pomades I wanna try out.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
i've been using layrite exclusively for the past few months

and i just recently got some murray's. after reading your post about it, i'm not sure if i want greasy pillows, jan


greasy pillows wont be too much of an issue.

i can't figure out if my hair looks better with pomade or without.

post a pic!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

jwsach: What kind of styling do you do?

renski: I did and I dig it. It's cheap as hell and works just as good as Layrite. The only downside, is that it leaves a slight film on your hair, as opposed to other water soluble gel pomades, that go out with just water. This stuff, you'll need to lightly shampoo it out. But overall, it's a great product. If you find it at $4 for buy 1 get 1 free, you couldn't beat that with an ugly stick!

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If you don't mind the non-washable stuff, check out Dax Wave & Groom. I've found that it sames my hair pretty well. It's on the stronger side, along with Murray's Superior, but it doesn't leave a weird film on your hair like Murray's does. It's my preferred alternative.

You don't need to use a whole lot, so you could potentially make a can go a loooong way. Blow dry it, to melt it down and you should get your hair to do what you want.

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  • 2 months later...

Moving to SE-Asia for a spell in winter. Any recommendations for real wiry curly blond hair? Usually I'm using Black and White as a base with a top layer of Cock grease but that didn't work out too well in hot humid weather.

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