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Practice/Research/Time would be the first three ways to learn to take a picture like that.

really? can you be more fucking technical? im fuckinf asking a serious question here and you be all like this? come on again im fucking new here

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really? can you be more fucking technical? im fuckinf asking a serious question here and you be all like this? come on again im fucking new here

Alright, if you really want to learn do some research other than posting in this thread. And seriously, the best way to learn is by practicing and fucking up, and learning from those fuck ups.

Digital = free experience. Be happy you don't have to be in a darkroom for hours, only to see that what you've taken didn't turn out.

For starters, check out the book "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson.

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To be honest, I think darkroom experience is something that every real photographer should have. Processing and printing is a whole different experience, and I love it. What did you shoot the above image with? Its really exceptional

Thanks, shot it on digital, with studio lighting and some post production aka digital darkroom :P

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Good shit. If I had the cash my glass would look similar to that, but all black(nikon). Used to have a 300/2.8 which was absolutely sick, but I just didn't use it enough to justify the $2500 sitting in a corner a lot of the year. I only used it for sports. Consistently gave me shots like this(one of the last images from that lens):


Have a D300 and D200, thinking about selling both for a D700. Had a D700 for like 3 days when it came out but I decided to send it back. That FX goodness:


I have a 17-55/2.8, 70-200/2.8, and a bunch of older fast manual lenses that would go great with a D700.

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Very nice airfrog. Wish I could have kept my 24L but had to sell it to fund the 35L. I think the 35/85 combo will serve me well for what I want to do.

I shot for a couple of years with that combo and it is PERFECT for my vision and gets maybe 60% of my shooting attention. The 200 2L gets way more use than i had originally thought it would. And I love the 24L.

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