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some more editorial looking stuff like carls been posting (not comparing my stuff to carl, just sayin')

gay ass christian school ra ra tee shirt


just plain ass



and i rather like the illustration of the passage of time in these two, as if the guy in yellow was like, "fuck 'im"



im pretty happy with the lighting and how they came out, just bummed it wasnt good enough to get the players in action

*no adjustment on any of these, straight from the camera

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I've been messing around with my Pentax K100D Super for a little over a month now and have taken a dozen or so picks in both manual and automatic. I've finally mastered both my TV and AV modes, so now all that there's left to do is learn to steady my hand and take my time taking pictures. Any way here's some of my favorites that I've taken so far. Note, some of them might appear a little blurry and some what out of focus, I'm sorta new to this, so bear with me.





Feedback is always welcome.

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the flowers pretty, but the composition on all of them could be improved i think

what is the last one even supposed to be though? id say throw that one out

It's really light being distorted through blinds and then being reflected off a surface in my room. I thought that it was cool. I was messing around with my camera trying to figure what the difference between TV and AV was, that was the end result. Like I said, I'm just starting out with the DSLR and I was messing around with it. I'm heading out next week and taking pictures of a bridge that they're taking down in the next few months. It's a land mark that people use to get over to Sandy Hook National Seashore. The locals aren't happy about it coming down, mainly because it's out of date. I hope to see some protesters in the next couple of months. Thanks for the feed back Dino.

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It's really light being distorted through blinds and then being reflected off a surface in my room. I thought that it was cool.

then by all means keep on id say. as long as you like not much else matters id say (unless youre trying to get paid). theres shots of mine that dont get love from anyone else but me, but fuck it, thats all i need.

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famous, i like those, setup? are they panoramic or did you just crop them that way?

hey dino

nice carl-esqe shots.

what lens?

thanks dooder, the top 3 are with the 100mm macro 2.8 ive been abusin'

the bottom 2 are with the 18-55mm kit lens that came with the 400d

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first one is great, second one is so-so

third one would've been good had the it been in better focus. the fine grain of good garage is always amazing.


had to open up too much and got the shakes, so it came out a bit off.

my pshopping is pretty terrible too.

thanks for the critiques!

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I always shoot in Manual mode. I was just using the kit lens @ 18mm, no flash. I've been thinking about picking up new glass, but I still wanna get better with the kit first. Thanks though jeepster.

i'm workin with the same stuff, so dun worry, i know where you're comin from on this one. i haven't tried to setup any landscape shots yet (i need a tripod), but i'm gonna try and do some in my backyard (using a stump). what was the ISO set at? auto, or had you adjusted it?

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I'm almost positive that the ISO was at 100 for those shots... Shutter speed and aperature is a different story (constantly having to adjust these), depending on the shot.

understandable. i haven't really taken it to that level, been using manual focus and relying on the modes mostly. i'll probably figure out the aperature and shutter-speed issues once i have a vacation and some time on my hands.

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