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What can one say about a book that is solely a catalogue detailing the biographies of American men and women of letters who happen to have varying shades of sympathy for Nazi ideologies, all of whom are entirely fictional?

I really liked how Bolaño includes references to some real American authors as well as fictional characters from his other novels, like the Romanian general (from 2666), Eugenio Entrescu. It feels like Bolaño fleshing out the universe in which all of his books are set.

What is the relationship between Harry Sibelius and the novel 2666? I can't help but feel the two are connected in some way. Sibelius' novels is 1333 pages long, he makes frequent reference to actual historical figures (using their real names), just as Bolaño does with partially masked names in 2666. Maybe it's nothing...

The tedium of Epilogue for Monsters was brilliant. So much marginalia of seemingly little importance. The comparison of penis lengths, etc. Are any of these authors/publishers/magazine/books based on actual, consensus reality-dwelling people?

I'll probably read Amulet next to find out more about Carlos Ramirez Hoffman. Is the nature of his avant-garde "artwork" revelaed in more specific terms in Amulet?

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I need to make more time to read; started this at the airport lounge and over a four hour flight a few months back and still haven't finished it. Remember it conjuring up emotions and watery eyes, which I haven't experienced from a book for as long as I can recall. On a more rational leve, I find the way in which Steinbeck casts the agricultural revolution an over-exaggeration, but I suppose one can draw upon a few modern analogies without too much difficulty.

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  rgray said:

re: American Psycho.

The book was 100% more intense than the movie. I think the scene towards the beginning with the bum/dog was the most gut wrenching. Christian Bale captured Bateman's character and I couldn't help but visualize him while reading. I am not sure what to make about the part towards the end where the prose switches to third person. Could this be another part of Bateman talking or is it the same Bateman just referring to himself in the third-person?

I lost my copy of this when I was overseas, and I had only just started reading it too. Definitely need to pickup another one because people keep telling me its fuckloads better than the film.

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  Baeyer-Drewson said:

I'll probably read Amulet next to find out more about Carlos Ramirez Hoffman. Is the nature of his avant-garde "artwork" revelaed in more specific terms in Amulet?

Distant Star. Yeah it is, but it's pretty much what you think. I actually prefer the way it's handled in Nazi Lit. Glad you liked it.


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Liking the Bolano discussion on here btw. Finished the Savage Detectives last week and thought it was incredible. I can honestly say it has made me see literature and the role of the writer in a new light. Bolano lived his art to the very end it seems. Inspirational and I cannot recommend the book enough. Will certainly pick up more of his work but am off to Portugal in a few weeks, hence the Saramago.

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I took a break from my Jest re-read to burn through the Corrections while I was up north. Really lived up to the hype, but it made Freedom feel almost unnecessary. The themes dealt with are just way too similar (family torn apart by tradition v. progressive mores, political leanings and ideas about what life is about/how it should be lived, etc. etc.).

There's also a possibility that Freedom was better, but it just almost feels like a refined remake now, almost like Evil Dead 2 vs. Evil Dead.

Despite this, both books were really enjoyable reads, almost popcorn reads (rarely do i run through a 600 page book in three days, and this was the case with both). Recommend either, or both, if you want to read something that's quick without being dumb, stimulating without being too much work.

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re-reading Sartor Resartus


is there any english translations of Peter Nadas' "Parallel Stories" available yet? Don't want to wait until October :(

The Tin Drum blew my mind, highest recommendations. Probably up there with Under the Volcano and Ulysses as my top books.

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  Magnetic said:
can you guys recommend really good whodunit/conspiracy/subterfuge/espionage titles please.

Kraken, China Mieville, posted a while back was kind of zany but at the same time a pretty deep 'whodunit' that wasn't hard to enjoy. It's set in London too, if you're into that kind of thing. Offputting as a midwestern american I thought but only insomuch as it just seemed a nonessential bit of pretense for all this mythical underground stuff thrown in. Damn expensive for a paperback though: http://www.amazon.com/Kraken-China-Mieville/dp/034549749X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1314288127&sr=8-1

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  Magnetic said:
can you guys recommend really good whodunit/conspiracy/subterfuge/espionage titles please.

Not classic "espionage" titles as such, but pretty much all of Philip K Dick's books deal with ontology and conspiracy in some form.

Cryptonomicon and Tokyo Year Zero have been sitting on my shelf forever. Really need more reading time.

I'm gonna have to disagree on Kraken though. One of the few books I haven't been able to finish in recent times. It just grinds after a couple hundred pages. Mieville has a great imagination but his prose style can be pretty tedious. I'd suggest The City and The City as a much more enjoyable (and shorter) alternative.

Currently reading this. Interesting take on a topic I am already very familiar with. Good balance of narrative and citation-based facts.


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