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what are you reading today?


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last week i read haruki murakami's hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world

i'm a fan of his and i really liked this

it was imaginative and fantastic without being unbelieveable or distant

i started another read of the great gatsby today

what have you supernerds been dogearing and spilling coffee on lately?

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Guest Berget__

This morning while eating breakfast i read my little-brothers X-men and our daily newspaper GP (Gothenburg Post)

I aint gotta get money man money get me

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Eggers is great, his book of short stories, How We Are Hungry is really good, as is the American Nonrequired Reading anthology he edits

Edited by doctorgnar on Apr 11, 2006 at 12:25 PM

--- Original message by doctorgnar on Apr 11, 2006 12:24 PM

^^ co-sign.

"up the mountain coming down slowly" and "after i was thrown in a river and before i drowned" from how we are hungry both blew me away.

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  • 3 weeks later...

just finished lovemarks.

about halfway thru the world is flat.

bummer to hear about rise of the creative class... that's next on my list.

newsstand reads --- eye, idea, iD, i-D, wax poetics, mass appeal, GQ, pro cycling, print, baseline, tokion (but not anymore ... the new AD has it looking awful and the new publisher has it reading awful) ....

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just finished freakonomics...about to start this book called the orientalist...its aobut this european jew who pretended to be a sheikh and began rubbing shoulders in european high society....i heard its written very welll ...nonfiction


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Damn, fuck, shit..........you got me this time; touche SELEGNA, touche

I would say something about how you dress, but in you entire 450 posts on this fashion messageboard, not one of your posts has even been about clothes........

Edited by englandmj7 on May 4, 2006 at 02:08 PM

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I would be reading Jeff Noon - Falling Out Of Cars, but I lent it to my girlfriend so won't get it back till tomorrow. She left Kelley Armstrong - Stolen here, so I guess I'll probably dig into that a little later

You -all- need some Jeff Noon in your lives

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whoa! just read up on Jeff Noon-------looks like my kinda writer. is his shit published in the states yet? i was reading how he's having trouble with a US distributor. looks good-------thanks.

reading mailer's naked and the dead now, his first book. never read mailer before. this may be against supertalk rules, but here goes: it's about WWII.

oh wait, this is ALREADY in supertrash.

um. locked?

Edited by denimdestroyedmylife on May 4, 2006 at 06:24 PM

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