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FS: 3 Flathead Shirts Sz. 36

Osmosis Jones

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So I must have puberty again or something because now all three of my Flathead button-ups don't fit anymore. I'm willing to trade for any Flathead shirts in a size 38.

These have all obviously been worn and although they don't look like new, there is absolutely nothing wrong with them, no stains, no rips, no holes, nothing. I don't even wear these shirts without wearing an undershirt.

Apologies for the crappy phone photos. I don't own any digital camera but I can borrow a friend's if you really need one. Otherwise, go to the Self Edge website because that's where all of these were bought.

Flathead Black Mint: Sz. 36 - SOLD

The pink grid pattern fades off with time and it's already come off on the inside collar. This is my favorite shirt and it sucks that I can't wear it anymore.

Flathead Glory Park Flannel: Sz. 36 - SOLD

The fabric on this shirt is incredibly soft and compares to wrapping yourself in a blanket.

Flathead Grey Chambray: Sz. 36 - SOLD

A slim-fitting shirt, my first ever item from Flathead.

If you need any more photos, I might be able to dig some up. For measurements, refer to Self Edge's website as they're all done by Self Edge themselves and aren't just numbers provided by the manufacturer.

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