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Help! on denim identification - Lee Boss of The Road

super sleuth

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Hello there.

I've run across a pair of older Lee jeans that I haven't been able to find out much about, even with searching through the archives. My rough guess is that these are from the 60's, but I'm not sure. The denim is nice and stiff as a board (NOS), the zipper is Talon 42, and there is super nice copper riveting all around (even one in the crotch!).

I've seen a few pairs of these on ebay, but with a different tag (with a bulldog on it) and style, but not any quite like the ones I have. I've included quite a few photos below if anyone has some more information.







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intersting pair. nice find. i would also say it is from the 70s ( intersting its a boss of the road, shouldnt it be a cant bust em?) i think since le bought both brand they just took the freedom. here is the repro of a cant bust em, from as it seems the 60s.


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These don't look any different from the 80s ones I've seen, but my guess would also be mid 70s.

Is there a year visible on the bottom of the pocket flasher? On some Lees they have a copyright date. That 10673 might mean they're 1973, and the fact they say Union Made would tend to suggest 70s rather than 80s.

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Thanks for all the replies so far!

I honestly don't see any date information anywhere on the jeans. The only thing I can see is that on the pocket flasher, there is a very small printing seal just to the right of the Lee Logo. See this picture below for detail...


At any rate, that tiny logo says "Allied Primitive - Kansas City - Union Label Trade Council" then has the number 61 by it. I don't think there's any way in heck that is equated to a year, but who knows.

The saddest part is that these jeans are too small for me (I'm about 6'6"), so for sale they will go soon. Again, thank you all for your help.

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VF Corp logo puts them post-'69

Good point. My eyesight wasn't good enough to see that in the first pic!

I like the r/h Sanforzied denim, it's very distinctive - also the BOTR round-topped rivets look great. It's a shame that japanese makers always copy the Levi's rivets, and not some of the less common ones, like this.

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