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King Stampede POLKA DOT T-Shirt.

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Forgot my PW and email used for my old SN (Larry David), vive le nuevo SN!

Does anybody know where I can pick this up online? (In Black/White)

Boundless NY only has size Large, XL & XXL left.

If ayone knows of a t-shirt company that does the opposite (White/Black) please let me know too as I'd rather that.


Donald: You know what you are? You're a self-loathing Jew.

Larry David: Hey, I may loathe myself, but it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm Jewish.

Edited by Larry Gene David on Mar 18, 2006 at 01:05 PM

Edited by Larry Gene David on Mar 19, 2006 at 12:18 PM

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Quote: Christ that shirt is an eyesore. I wonder if it's actually painful to look at in real life.

To each their own, personally I love it which is why I seek to procure it! icon_smile_big.gif

Minya, interested to know how you would describe your own personal style? One thing I like about Superfuture, there is an amalgamation of different demographics and styles viewing and posting in the forum. Its great!

Donald: You know what you are? You're a self-loathing Jew.

Larry David: Hey, I may loathe myself, but it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm Jewish.

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Quote: Christ that shirt is an eyesore. I wonder if it's actually painful to look at in real life.

To each their own, personally I love it which is why I seek to procure it! icon_smile_big.gif

Minya, interested to know how you would describe your own personal style? One thing I like about Superfuture, there is an amalgamation of different demographics and styles viewing and posting in the forum. Its great!

--- Original message by Larry Gene David on Mar 19, 2006 01:26 PM

Well, I don't have any problem with the design of the shirt -- I mean it's actually painful. The picture hurts my eyes. Haha.

I'm not sure how I'd describe my own style.

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If you find it difficult to describe your style, see the questions below!

. Do you dress with a slim silhouette, regular or perhaps baggy?

. What colour swatches do you usually gravitate towards?

. Do you align yourself with any particular music scene or a form of dress from a particular music scene?

. Do you borrow looks, trends or ideas from certain eras?

Donald: You know what you are? You're a self-loathing Jew.

Larry David: Hey, I may loathe myself, but it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm Jewish.

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That's a really good set of questions, actually. I'll bite.

- Slim, definitely slim. I think clothing should accentuate and flatter the shape of your body, not hide it.

- Darker colors and earth tones, usually, but I like throwing in bright colors for effect every now and then. I just bought a pair of lime green Bapestas. Hoo man. I also have a few white t-shirts.

- I listen to tons of different kinds of music but I guess I look like a typical indie rocker, more or less: I wear slim t-shirts and jeans but try and mix it up enough that I don't look like I stepped right out of Urban Outfitters. I like layering. I love unique-looking printed t-shirts.

- I definitely most appreciate and appropriate styles from military wear and workwear in general. When I get a real job and start buying dressier clothing I can see myself pulling off the "high fashion Victorian-goth" look that Cloak and a few others are creating.

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I didn't actually live in the city. I lived about an hour north. SF does have its share of hipsters, but they're less annoying, and have a lot more taste, than NYC hipsters. Plus SF has the best music stores in the world.

I cannot wait to move back to California. I really hope I can live in SF proper shortly after I'm done with school.

Unfortunately I don't think I'll ever be able to live anywhere except the Bay Area, because I have become so spoiled by the amount and quality of Bay Area restaurants that living anywhere else is like living in a goddamn slum.

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