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kunz's macro and microaesthetics is killer. how's formation +transformation?

my last purchase was armin hofmann's graphic design manual. it's really interesting because it's almost purely visual and very little text, and up to you to recognize and learn (or not) the patterns in the compositions that evolve throughout the book. i imagine people get lots of different things out of it or think it's crap. i snagged a used copy off ebay super cheap.

if you're into reading about design criticism I highly suggest this. written in 1994, though its somehow one of the most relevant things I've ever read.


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i kinda want to take a photo of mine, but i'll have to rip my room apart :(


@never: if you like macro and micro, you'll like the other one because they supplement each other greatly.


actually, Weingart: Typography is very interesting. It's an autobiography of sorts and shows his progression from a child to where he is now — along the way he inevitably uses new techniques, but his photo/lithography work is killer, especially his posters.

Kenya Hara's Designing Design has fewer images, but it's still very interesting.

Brockmann's The Graphic Artist and His Design Problems is a nice collector's piece to have, and a good companion to that book - though it's a tad dated

speaking of grids, mlproject recommended The Typographic Grid by Hans Rudolph Bosshard seemingly ages ago, and it's worth having. though it can seem a bit complicated at times, it's much more thorough than grid systems.

I'm gonna have to pull my books out of their boxes now :(:D gonna cop that critical writings book, not too expensive atm.

Also, i have to say I learn a lot more simply looking at designs, I wish I knew this years ago when I fretted over buying books and stuff wanting them to literally teach me new things and techniques. I get it now.

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DUM are you learning/using Processing? i think its a sick and powerful language, although im not much of a coding guy. i learned it cuz i was required to take an interactivity class and it was taught by Casey Reas (the dude who wrote that book and the program itself) hes actually a cool dude— wore lots of APC, had a beard

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damn Kenya Hara's Designing Design is exxxxpensive. looks beautiful though. i'd love to check The Typographic Grid. the last part in Grid Systems when he applies 24(?) column grids to 3d spaces blew my fucking mind. i hate that i have to be reminded to think that way.

• DUM you gotta post up your Processing makings man!

• MAG fuck yes. i also have a sneaking suspicion your stuff is going to be posted on BDIF....

anyone following the new guest edited and designed Print mags?

Kokoro & Moi's created a stir here


and yesterday Metahaven's created a twitter shitstorm. exactly what we need I think. though not a huge fan of the cover I love the idea of subversion. gonna see if that's out today.


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I used to cop design mags, but i can't really afford to right now, i'm gonna keep an eye on print though after FILE DVD Magazine's customer service pissed me the fuck off.

yo, re: metahaven cover, LMAOOO. it's same thing again!! oh my dayz, it's illustrating my earlier point perfectly. ha.

damn Kenya Hara's Designing Design is exxxxpensive

fuck me, not sure what's happened there. It can't have been discontinued already? I copped mine for under £20 iirc :confused:

wtf is going on

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Picked this guy up a few months ago on sale:


Things I have Learned in My Life So Far - Stefan Sagmeister

It's interesting and has a strong concept, not much text and some of the pieces fall flat IMO, but I just really like Sagmeister's attitude!

I've been reading through Looking Closer 5 (writings from 2001-2005) and it's got some good stuff. Also just started "Obey the Giant" by Rick Poyner, very good so far; it doesn't just examine the design profession from within like a lot of design books do. It has a bit more a crossdisciplinary approach by looking at how design interacts with and shapes our world from a wider context than just design.

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A few I'm enjoying at the moment:

79 Short Essays on Design

How to think like a great Graphic Designer (or just listen to the audio version via Debbie Millman DesignObserver podcasts)

Looking Sideways (flip through when I need inspiration)

Elements of Typographic Style

Grid Systems

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how easy/hard is it to complete a project - say a small publication - collaboratively online?

I want to do something, but i don't think I can do it myself. The logistics alone..


what are your methods of taking pics of printed material? lightboxes? expensive lighting setups courtesy of school or what? I'm thinking of different ways to go about it, i want to take photos outdoors but i'm not sure how this'd come across :/

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i think outdoor photos of your printed work is a good idea as long as the setting is/looks relevant to the piece.

i just find any neutral-colored surface that has an interesting and subtle texture. right now im using my dinner table for its grain:


i like the idea of shooting your work on wood or concrete too (not mine):


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anyone have recommendations for a portfolio management system (not sure what its called)? i'm currently on cargo collective, but its pretty limited and theres a monthly fee. im probably gonna move my portfolio to tumblr for now so i can at least cancel my cargo account. thoughts on inexhibit?

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