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It's Dipset, bitch! Non-stop, all day, every day. And 80's music when no one's looking.

--- Original message by HisPiffness on Mar 6, 2006 03:42 PM

ugh, making me sick to my stomach

- dipset

- dem franchize boyz

- d4l

- g-unit

these groups are straight up ruining the rap game.

Plus, 80's music is good no matter where you are!

I been rappin' for about 17 years..

I don't write my stuff anymore,

I just kick it from my head you know what I'm sayin I can do that.

No disrespect... but that's how I am.

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Quote: do u know what ever happen to the blue herb from hokaiddo?

Still around, most recently his crew, ILL-BOSSTINO worked with Ms Cru (MSC) on the new Shinjuku Street Life CD. CD is very old school, not really my cup of tea...

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My first post...enough with the lurkin'.

Thought I would share some of my mixes for you all to listen to...


All Mixes and Cuts by Disoriental

Heres a tracklisting for the enclosed:

E.A.R. presents: Be naughty, save Santa the Trip

Part 1


(how to) Excercise A tuRntable

Rock and Roll could never have a Hip Hop like this

Bloc Party - Tulips

Franz Ferdinand vs. Lil' John - Michael

LCD Soundsystem - Yr city's a sucker

M.I.A. - Pull up the people

The Cure - Close to me

Modest Mouse - Float on

Q and not U - Wonderful People

Enter the Interpol

Interpol - Evil

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Y-Control

Favella!! Interlude

Blonde Redhead - This is not

Diplo - Thingamajawn

Diplo - Diplo Rhthym

De Falla - Popozuda Rock n' Roll

The Rapture - House of Jealous lovers (remix/original)

The Clash - Revolution Rock

Part 2

E.A.R. intro

Spoons - Way we get by

Spoons - Someone, something

Les Savy Fav - The Slip

Ratatat - Seventeen Years

The Juan McClean - Everything you got

LazyBoy - Police dog bonfire

!!! - Shit Scheiss Merde

Depeche Mode - Policy of Truth

Postal Service - Such great heights

Postal Service - Brand New Colony

and the second (my latest mix)...

The Return

1- Intro

2- 2 Da Left- DSP feat. Mass Influence

3- Lightheaded cuts

4- Timeless - Lightheaded

5- Bush Babees - Love Song

6- Happiness - Foreign Exchange

7- Jurassic 5 - Hey

8- Enter the Disoriental - Disoriental

9- Push it Along - A Tribe Called Quest

10- The Unseen - Quasimoto

11- Selection from Madlib Invazion - Madlib

12- Definition of Ill - Madlib Remix

13- Re:Eternal interlude

14- Re:Eternal - Fortified Live

15- It aint hard to tell/Kemuri scratch break/You Know My Steez - Nas, Dj Krush, Gangstarr

16- A Request - Ohmega Watts

17- Get on up T.R.O.Y. - Kenny Dope, Pete Rock

18- Surprise Cypher - Lightheaded

19- No Foundation - Lushlife

20- F$!.. the Fuzz - Dj Format, Dj Z-Trip, Jay Dee

21- My Doorbell - The White Stripes

22- Kick out the organs!!

23- Kick out the chairs - Munk and James Murphy

24- Cutie Pie - One Way

25- Get up - !!!

26- Connected - Stereo MCs

27- Crab BBoy scratch break - K-OS

28- Galang - M.I.A.

29- Move - Oh No

30-Serious (Jay Dilla Remix) - Fourtet feat. Guilty Simpson

31- Didnt you know it aint '93 - Lyrics Born, Souls of Mischief, The Rayne, Erule

32- That Sound - Ohmega Watts

33- Act Too (Love of my life)- The Roots

34- Approaching Midnight - Disoriental

35- Midnight in a Perfect World - Dj Shadow

36- Organ Donor - Lefties Soul Orchestra

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lately its been a lot of psychish-pop ish kinda sorta stuff...neutral milk hotel, the shins, brian jonestown massacre, later oasis, radiohead, kasabian, post-revolver beatles. i guess its not much of a category.

gotta give it to j5, talib kweli, and kanye for the hip hop end.

for mellow stuff, theres a whole lot of elliott smith. some acoustic oasis, pulp, flake music. all good stuff do chill out to.


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I just got that new Vakill album and its dope as hell. Easilly the album of the year so far. Ive also been listening to a lot of MF Grimm's older stuff. Then just to mix it up some Shai Hulud and Left Over Crack. I love the temp changes in Shai.

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Some great stuff mentioned so far...

the new Man Man is really, really good if you're into raucous post-everything shanty jams.

the new Placebo album Meds is their best since Without You I'm Nothing. they've really come a long way as far as the inclusion of a lot more electronic elements in their sound, something that made the last two records stumble.

the upcoming Pretty Girls Make Graves record Elan Vital has jumped ship from the dub-influenced space-out post-punk they'd perfected on the last album onto the Challenger...

they went really out there with Elan Vital, it's still definitely the same band, but there's

a lot more heady, moody stuff going on.

lately i've also been listening to a lot of metal; Behemoth's fucking intense, the new

Children of Bodom, Red Chord, rediscovering Morbid Angel, the Berzerker's amazing cover of "Corporal Jigsore Quandary" (my vote for one of the best metal tracks ever)... tons of black metal albums I'd not listened to in a long time. Finding out that Absu are the best fucking USBM band around, hands down. Municipal Waste just thrashed out the best crossover

album that the 80's forgot...

German electro-spazzes Bondage Fairies... NY scums A.R.E. Weapons...

been spinning a lot of my favorite apocalyptic folk and post-industrial albums too,

Current 93, Death In June...

certified music geeks, represent.

--- Original message by onemancult on Mar 6, 2006 02:06 PM

Yeaaah yo whatsup with all the post-industrial and folk? Is it the bad times we are in? I've been listening to mad industrial and apocalyptic folk too... Like out of nowhere I dug all that shit up. U get into SPK at all? That shit is real dark and intense. What post-industrial u been on?

Children of Bodom are kind of ill, but yo, those synths man are so cheesy alot of the time I feel like that shit is for kids who play alot of Halo or something. U heard EARLY MAN? They are like everything awesome about metal in the 80's smashed into one band consisting of two people. If you grew up listening to metal u will love it. And while we are on the "Man" bands I just got this album by a guy called "Man," it's called Helping Hands. Some nice shit, alot of acoustic piano with some nice electronic...

A good industrial/metal crossover is Godflesh. It's really slow and dark... And yoooo on the post-punk/proto-industrial tip... KILLING JOKE IS THE FUCKING ILLEST BAND EVER. I'm obsessed.

I'm listening to that old LFO- Sheath album at the moment there are some amazing parts. And to cheer up I been listening to the throwback first Zoot Woman album. It's perfect. Those French know how to make some great pop and house for days...

Thank god a couple cats here really know music. Granted I love Ghostface, and I listen to Dipset and MOTHERFUCKING OSCAR WINNERS Three Six Mafia all day, but alot of these kids need to expand their taste a bit... Only listening to hiphop and rap is very uninspiring.


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errr why are they ruining the rap game?

i'm listening to a juelz santana mixtape right now... it's pretty good. not as good as ghostface's new album though.

--- Original message by alex_844 on Mar 6, 2006 04:00 PM

have you listened to them?

horrible production, horrible lyrics and they send a horrible message.

Try listening to some real hip hop, get these albums:

Cannibal Ox - The Cold Vein

NaS - Illmatic

CunningLynguists - A Piece of Strange

Aesop Rock - Labor Days

Blackalicious - Blazing Arrow

that would get you off to a good hip hop start, I think.

I been rappin' for about 17 years..

I don't write my stuff anymore,

I just kick it from my head you know what I'm sayin I can do that.

No disrespect... but that's how I am.

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Red Foxxworth/onemancult: if you're listening to "apocalyptic folk" (I hate that genre name..) check out Six Organs of Admittance's latest album, School of the Flower, if you haven't already. Mind-blowingly good psych/kraut-inspired folk that sits right alongside David Tibet et al.

also Foxxworth, check out Justin Broadrick's project Jesu. Very, very good stuff. Kind of like a metal version My Bloody Valentine played at 16RPM with incredibly depressing slowed-down vocals laid on top of it.

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--- Original message by konsl on Mar 6, 2006 07:13 PM

bores me to death, in most cases.

However, I do LOVE Daft Punk & Thomas Bangalter solo as well.

"Turbo" is a great song by him.

I been rappin' for about 17 years..

I don't write my stuff anymore,

I just kick it from my head you know what I'm sayin I can do that.

No disrespect... but that's how I am.

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RedFoxxworth; SPK's awesome, always loved them. Great shit to throw on and let it just play in the background and fill up the room. Keep your eyes peeled for this early 80's compilation called The Elephant Table Album- SPK is on there along with other greats like Coil, Nurse With Wound, Portion Control, Lustmord, etc. Basically, everyone who was anyone back then worth listening to in that scene is on that comp.

Children of Bodom I used to hate the hell out of but then I saw Dustin Dollin (pro skater, for anyone who doesn't know and wants to) skate to one of their songs in Baker 3 (a skateboarding video) and I gave em a second chance. The synths get over the top, but I can deal with it... I'm only down with Hatebreeder and Are You Dead Yet?, the rest of their stuff is just too much keyboard masturbation. Early Man is aight, but after seeing em live I think of those two cats as just some hipster dudes cashing in on metal... I've got plenty of brutal shit to listen to before I give them a spin, but they're decent.

My contribution for "man" bands? Portugal.The Man- retarded name, but a great experimental pop group. Catchy, but still busting a few boundaries.

Always loved Killing Joke n' Godflesh. Justin Broadrick's a genius, Jesu is really worth

checking out, as minya mentioned. Really crushing stuff, swallows you whole.

And for something similar but actually kind of upbeat there's this band called Torche which

is your usual doom metal group, but they spin it in a psych-pop direction... so it's heavy and slow, but there's clean vocals and trippy guitar work.

minya = I can't really get into Six Organs of Admittance, for whatever reason. But hey, Ben Chasny from SOoA played on the upcoming Current 93 album that's out in May... first new material in a long while. And double hey, Ben's also a member of Comets on Fire, and I think they're phenomenal.

I've given up almost completely on American hip-hop. I grew up on it here in the Bronx and I mean, I lived and breathed hip-hop, mainstream and independent, from Bad Boy to the dude on my corner who had the sickest flows ever... but I seriously OD'd on it when i hit high school, and I just couldn't deal anymore.. I will always vouch for Three Six Mafia, though. And, honestly, Dipset may be 'ruining hip hop' as some people say, but you know what? HIP HOP NEEDS TO BE RUINED. Let em do it, Paris to Purple City was fucking great.

That said, I think grime is the most epic stuff ever. Not just Dizzee Rascal and Lady Sov and whatever, that's some real fire bursting up out of the UK. Anyone on here ever heard No Lay on the two Run the Road compilations? The sheer... force in her flow is more intense than death metal.

Man, I really rant when it comes to the tunes...

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Dizzee Rascal is a great listen, he's pretty damn entertaining.

I'll give Dispet and the like credit, they're great to dance to, and just have a good time, but when I want to listen to some music with meaning they just don't cut it in terms of hip hop.

I just gotta say, I've been listening to a lot of old 80's powerpop recently, and MAN the Cars are some good shit. Seriously, if you get their "Best Of" album, you'll be able to listen to the entire thing the whole way through and never change a song.

I think someone mentioned the Smiths a bit earlier, and I've just gotta back them. Another great 80's band. The Smiths are awesome, even though they were around for such a short amount of time (What was it, 4 years?). They made some great tunes, check out "Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before" and "This Charming Man" if you haven't heard anything from them. Morissey's voice is really great.

Anyone else listen to Brand New? I know they kind of got caught up in that whole OMG EMO mess that happened about a year ago, but I really think that they're above that whole shit musically. I can't wait for their new album to drop, it's high on my list of CD's to want to cop this year.

Oh man, don't even get me started on the bastardizing of the word emo, I could go for days...

I been rappin' for about 17 years..

I don't write my stuff anymore,

I just kick it from my head you know what I'm sayin I can do that.

No disrespect... but that's how I am.

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errr why are they ruining the rap game?

i'm listening to a juelz santana mixtape right now... it's pretty good. not as good as ghostface's new album though.

--- Original message by alex_844 on Mar 6, 2006 04:00 PM

have you listened to them?

horrible production, horrible lyrics and they send a horrible message.

Try listening to some real hip hop, get these albums:

Cannibal Ox - The Cold Vein

NaS - Illmatic

CunningLynguists - A Piece of Strange

Aesop Rock - Labor Days

Blackalicious - Blazing Arrow

that would get you off to a good hip hop start, I think.

--- Original message by naturaljax on Mar 6, 2006 06:35 PM

I think those backpack straps of yours are on too tight, you're not getting enough oxygen.
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been really really into "punk metal" of late. the loud ones doin it for me

Cursed and Rise and Fall. got Rise and Fall's new album and i've listened to it practically every day. cursed was one of the best live shows i've ever seen. nearly blew my ears out WITH plugs in.

children of bodom are coming to my area-- one of those rare times a band comes let alone a band that shreds your face off like COB. hatebreeder is definitely the essential i think-- i've given the other CDs a listen but always end up just listening to hatebreeder.

jesu definitely makes me feel sludgey and like a swamp thing. my friend has been getting into a lot of doom and feeding me plenty of grimness on a daily basis.

anyone got some recommendations along the lines of cursed and rise and fall? i'm always thirstin for more music

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errr why are they ruining the rap game?

i'm listening to a juelz santana mixtape right now... it's pretty good. not as good as ghostface's new album though.

--- Original message by alex_844 on Mar 6, 2006 04:00 PM

have you listened to them?

horrible production, horrible lyrics and they send a horrible message.

Try listening to some real hip hop, get these albums:

Cannibal Ox - The Cold Vein

NaS - Illmatic

CunningLynguists - A Piece of Strange

Aesop Rock - Labor Days

Blackalicious - Blazing Arrow

that would get you off to a good hip hop start, I think.

--- Original message by naturaljax on Mar 6, 2006 06:35 PM

I think those backpack straps of yours are on too tight, you're not getting enough oxygen.

--- Original message by My Pal the Crook on Mar 6, 2006 08:02 PM

Hahahaha. I'm a fan of some nerd rap, but that shit was hilarious.
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RedFoxxworth; SPK's awesome, always loved them. Great shit to throw on and let it just play in the background and fill up the room. Keep your eyes peeled for this early 80's compilation called The Elephant Table Album- SPK is on there along with other greats like Coil, Nurse With Wound, Portion Control, Lustmord, etc. Basically, everyone who was anyone back then worth listening to in that scene is on that comp.

Children of Bodom I used to hate the hell out of but then I saw Dustin Dollin (pro skater, for anyone who doesn't know and wants to) skate to one of their songs in Baker 3 (a skateboarding video) and I gave em a second chance. The synths get over the top, but I can deal with it... I'm only down with Hatebreeder and Are You Dead Yet?, the rest of their stuff is just too much keyboard masturbation. Early Man is aight, but after seeing em live I think of those two cats as just some hipster dudes cashing in on metal... I've got plenty of brutal shit to listen to before I give them a spin, but they're decent.

My contribution for "man" bands? Portugal.The Man- retarded name, but a great experimental pop group. Catchy, but still busting a few boundaries.

Always loved Killing Joke n' Godflesh. Justin Broadrick's a genius, Jesu is really worth

checking out, as minya mentioned. Really crushing stuff, swallows you whole.

And for something similar but actually kind of upbeat there's this band called Torche which

is your usual doom metal group, but they spin it in a psych-pop direction... so it's heavy and slow, but there's clean vocals and trippy guitar work.

minya = I can't really get into Six Organs of Admittance, for whatever reason. But hey, Ben Chasny from SOoA played on the upcoming Current 93 album that's out in May... first new material in a long while. And double hey, Ben's also a member of Comets on Fire, and I think they're phenomenal.

I've given up almost completely on American hip-hop. I grew up on it here in the Bronx and I mean, I lived and breathed hip-hop, mainstream and independent, from Bad Boy to the dude on my corner who had the sickest flows ever... but I seriously OD'd on it when i hit high school, and I just couldn't deal anymore.. I will always vouch for Three Six Mafia, though. And, honestly, Dipset may be 'ruining hip hop' as some people say, but you know what? HIP HOP NEEDS TO BE RUINED. Let em do it, Paris to Purple City was fucking great.

That said, I think grime is the most epic stuff ever. Not just Dizzee Rascal and Lady Sov and whatever, that's some real fire bursting up out of the UK. Anyone on here ever heard No Lay on the two Run the Road compilations? The sheer... force in her flow is more intense than death metal.

Man, I really rant when it comes to the tunes...

--- Original message by onemancult on Mar 6, 2006 07:47 PM

JEAH!!! We got some Supermusicâ„¢ going good right now!!

I have the Elephant Table comp. It's great. That Lustmord track... haha with The Message sample!! Whoa. I need to dig for more of their stuff. A really really dope comp: So Young But So Cold.... on Tigersushi. "Cold Wave" from France, late 70's to early 80's. Basically really dark new wave, or "Elephant Table" with pop appeal. If you Soulseek, hit me up: RedFoxxworth.

I would understand your Early Man suspicions EXCEPT that those guys are actually super serious about their shit. Like they did nothing but eat, sleep, drink and play metal. I met one of them once through a mutual friend, really cool guy and my friend said they are nothing short of obsessed with metal. So I believe they are the real deal.

Thanks for the Jesu recommendation both of you, I will Solarseek that shit ASAP as well as the other recommendations.

I must digress about grime though. I really can't stand it! And I've heard Run the Road, etc. Maybe some day it will *click* with me but not yet.

Some other good musical wallpaper: Mus

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haha Aesop was the only nerd rap on their, though!

And as far as AR goes, he's got some good shit, but also some whack ass stuff too.

I don't like that stuff where I can't even understand what the fuck he's talking about.

He's got some good albums, though.

I been rappin' for about 17 years..

I don't write my stuff anymore,

I just kick it from my head you know what I'm sayin I can do that.

No disrespect... but that's how I am.

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RedFoxxworth; SPK's awesome, always loved them. Great shit to throw on and let it just play in the background and fill up the room. Keep your eyes peeled for this early 80's compilation called The Elephant Table Album- SPK is on there along with other greats like Coil, Nurse With Wound, Portion Control, Lustmord, etc. Basically, everyone who was anyone back then worth listening to in that scene is on that comp.

Children of Bodom I used to hate the hell out of but then I saw Dustin Dollin (pro skater, for anyone who doesn't know and wants to) skate to one of their songs in Baker 3 (a skateboarding video) and I gave em a second chance. The synths get over the top, but I can deal with it... I'm only down with Hatebreeder and Are You Dead Yet?, the rest of their stuff is just too much keyboard masturbation. Early Man is aight, but after seeing em live I think of those two cats as just some hipster dudes cashing in on metal... I've got plenty of brutal shit to listen to before I give them a spin, but they're decent.

My contribution for "man" bands? Portugal.The Man- retarded name, but a great experimental pop group. Catchy, but still busting a few boundaries.

Always loved Killing Joke n' Godflesh. Justin Broadrick's a genius, Jesu is really worth

checking out, as minya mentioned. Really crushing stuff, swallows you whole.

And for something similar but actually kind of upbeat there's this band called Torche which

is your usual doom metal group, but they spin it in a psych-pop direction... so it's heavy and slow, but there's clean vocals and trippy guitar work.

minya = I can't really get into Six Organs of Admittance, for whatever reason. But hey, Ben Chasny from SOoA played on the upcoming Current 93 album that's out in May... first new material in a long while. And double hey, Ben's also a member of Comets on Fire, and I think they're phenomenal.

I've given up almost completely on American hip-hop. I grew up on it here in the Bronx and I mean, I lived and breathed hip-hop, mainstream and independent, from Bad Boy to the dude on my corner who had the sickest flows ever... but I seriously OD'd on it when i hit high school, and I just couldn't deal anymore.. I will always vouch for Three Six Mafia, though. And, honestly, Dipset may be 'ruining hip hop' as some people say, but you know what? HIP HOP NEEDS TO BE RUINED. Let em do it, Paris to Purple City was fucking great.

That said, I think grime is the most epic stuff ever. Not just Dizzee Rascal and Lady Sov and whatever, that's some real fire bursting up out of the UK. Anyone on here ever heard No Lay on the two Run the Road compilations? The sheer... force in her flow is more intense than death metal.

Man, I really rant when it comes to the tunes...

--- Original message by onemancult on Mar 6, 2006 07:47 PM

JEAH!!! We got some Supermusic� going good right now!!

I have the Elephant Table comp. It's great. That Lustmord track... haha with The Message sample!! Whoa. I need to dig for more of their stuff. A really really dope comp: So Young But So Cold.... on Tigersushi. "Cold Wave" from France, late 70's to early 80's. Basically really dark new wave, or "Elephant Table" with pop appeal. If you Soulseek, hit me up: RedFoxxworth.

I would understand your Early Man suspicions EXCEPT that those guys are actually super serious about their shit. Like they did nothing but eat, sleep, drink and play metal. I met one of them once through a mutual friend, really cool guy and my friend said they are nothing short of obsessed with metal. So I believe they are the real deal.

Thanks for the Jesu recommendation both of you, I will Solarseek that shit ASAP as well as the other recommendations.

I must digress about grime though. I really can't stand it! And I've heard Run the Road, etc. Maybe some day it will *click* with me but not yet.

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hip-hop all day.



Blackstar(Talib & Mos Def)

Kanye West



MF Doom

Lupe Fiasco

Along that... I like listening to some rock(Not much emo)

Velvet Underground

John Mayer

Ryan Cabrera(Shut up, guility pleasure okay?)

Panic at the disco

Linkin Park



Yeh.. just a couple of stuff...

Edited by DrinDrin on Mar 6, 2006 at 09:27 PM

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Music Snob Moment:

DrinDrin, why is your hip-hop list great and your rock list so shitty?

Everything after VU is sad.

dystained , for more metalcore (true metalcore, not crap bands like Avenged Sevenfold or whatever's popular with the mascara guy crowd) check out Kylesa. They're

pretty much like Cursed, but a bit more sludgey and blues-metal influenced. Also check out Converge.

RedFoxxworth Definitely dig the coldwave and darkwave, but usually just the 80s and early 90s stuff. Have you heard what that music has turned into? Most groups putting out cold/darkwave these days sound so bland and washed out, like elevator music for grown-up goth moms at the mall.

Fushitsusha's legendary man, you should look for everything you can find by Keiji Haino... he's got some mega indie cred.. Thurston from Sonic Youth's written poems about the guy. An all-around amazing performer and artist, every project he touches is gold.

Muslimgauze I used to love; how prolific the guy was is amazing. Similar strangeness hangs around the excellent Hafler Trio...which is, again, one guy... music's in a similar vein though, although it gets more intense and structured than MG ever does.

naturaljax Brand New... don't rise above the shit pile to me, I'm sorry. But

I am totally with you on the misuse of the term emo.... what the fuck does dashboard

confessional have to do with Rites of Spring or Sunny Day Real Estate?. And further, the bastardization of the term screamo.... what the fuck does The Used have to do with Heroin, Clikatat Ikatowi, or the rest of the Gravity records roster? That's what happens when stupid people are allowed to shop outside of Walmart...

In the modern electronica vein, since someone mentioned house music,

anything past '95 that isn't either heroin/micro-house sounds exactly like

everything that came before it. Seriously. House music is so fucking restrictive,

unless you fuck with it to the point that 95% of house music fans won't listen

to it, it's just boring.

However, super-vouch goes to Venetian Snares. Everyone needs Venetian Snares in their life.

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Quote: saves the day

Oh man, that was my favorite band of ALL TIME c. 2000; didn't like "In Reverie" that much though. I am buddies with their ex-manager at Vagrant though and you will be happy to know that they are recording and almost done with their new album; apparently it is alot like "Through Being Cool." If that is the case I can't friggin' wait.........

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had the honor of seeing kylesa with torsche :) annnd coliseum. i liked kylesa, though i missed some of their set and dont' have a CD. i'll have to give'em a more indepth listen. converge is an all-time favorite as well. i'm wearin a shirt from their jane doe tour right now.

also lovin the power-rock dance-pop-- Death from above 1979, the modey lemon (local), yeah yeah yeah's (new album is pretty awful though), whirlwind heat, battles, air guitar magazine (another local).

glad to see someone so knowledgeable and enthusiastic about music.

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