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Yeah, the heavy conceptual focus of a lot of net art doesn't necessarily translate into immediate aesthetic value, however, i often some of the essays that accompany these works to be inspiring and somewhat insightful.

e.g. http://ilikethisart.net/ which features both installation and digital works alongside an artist's statement

or http://122909a.com/ which has almost too many essays on the effects wrought by information and communication technologies (internet etc) on art- decentralization, the dissolution of the "original copy", physicality of the internet, etc very interesting

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just to add on to that- it's not to say that i think these works have no immediate aesthetic value, but i find the overall impact of the piece is enriched if it has a strong conceptual basis. It is in this sense that i think of conceptual art as an egalitarian pursuit, as anybody can have good idea (although the standards by which a "good idea" are judged is a completely different matter all together)

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  yea! said:
tina, nice. Bea Fremderman too.

to be honest this is the first i've heard any explanation of anyone's intentions behind internet art. most of it seems amateurish or plain bad to me.

Bea Femderman's are the most refined i've seen, the artist knows composition and attention to detail. the concept makes complete sense but to me i don't think it's enough to support the visual form..

maybe its just completely over my head

you or anyone should try reading some critical studies and art history stuff. It makes a lot of art that you wouldnt get otherwise really sweet. realized lately from reading up on it why i'm so bored with graphic design, I'd rather just be making conceptual art.

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^problem is with tutorials and advancement of programs/tools, soon enough anyone will be able to make something that looks dope. what separates you is your ideas.

  Tom is dead. said:
you or anyone should try reading some critical studies and art history stuff. It makes a lot of art that you wouldnt get otherwise really sweet. realized lately from reading up on it why i'm so bored with graphic design, I'd rather just be making conceptual art.

yah i fully understand conceptual art and have taken many courses in art history, contemporary art being one of the more interesting (actually read that Walter Benjamin article on 122909a for class last year).. but i guess i'm talking about internet art specifically. definitely not hating, some of it's nice, i just don't see how the concept is represented.

like http://www.flickr.com/photos/megazord/page3/

or http://www.flickr.com/photos/myfantasyhome/

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  yea! said:
^problem is with tutorials and advancement of programs/tools, soon enough anyone will be able to make something that looks dope. what separates you is your ideas.

sure, but just having an idea behind your work != conceptual art.

Thinking back I guess I have been really impressed by some series that required a page or two of explanation. For instance, I'm still in love with this: http://www.standardoslo.no/v1/sql/ex.archive.php?shownews=47

and I have some shit in my own portfolio that doesn't make sense immediately. Like my raw drug raps series or this piece


I was just saying sometimes I catch myself and think "man this shit is pointless". Maybe it's a confidence issue. I've always been more comfortable calling myself an illustrator/designer rather than an artist.

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Trying to start sketching again. My goal is to do at least 1 small sketch a day, so I thought I'd start posting here to keep myself motivated.

"The Room"


I have the book "Rapid Viz" and am planning to go through it to learn some new techniques. I grew up drawing with a fine art slant, but over the past few years have tried to adopt an industrial design sketch style. Now I'm just trying to do stuff that conveys an idea.

I've been really inspired by one of my old classmates http://whyamiadesigner.com/

and this other dude that I don't know, but may have met once or twice http://blog.fueledbycoffee.com/

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I figured i could post this here and have a better chance at an answer.

So I have a video embedded into a powerpoint but when I move the powerpoint the video doesn't play (powerpoint can't find it.) how do I package them together so I can just email it and play it?

I'm making it on my macbook and playing it on a pc in class if that matters. I'm pretty sure it's not the file formatting that is causing the problem, the video just does not move with the powerpoint. would a flash drive solve all this?


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It's just having trouble finding the movie after I email it. I wish there was a way just to simply package them together. I may just do it on my roommates computer and put it on a flash drive.

thanks though mag. im going to look through that site as it seems to be full of people that are quite serious about powerpoint.

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  youre sketch said:
It's just having trouble finding the movie after I email it. I wish there was a way just to simply package them together. I may just do it on my roommates computer and put it on a flash drive.

thanks though mag. im going to look through that site as it seems to be full of people that are quite serious about powerpoint.

The way I understand it, PPT doesn't embed the movie, it just links to the file and then plays it. If there's a way to embed the movie, you could try searching the help menu for that.

I'm assuming you've made sure that the video and the PPT are both in the same folder (like packaging). If not, try that.

And are you sure the movie is in the right format? I've had issues with pcs playing QT movies, etc. Make sure you use a format like WMV, AVI, or MP4.

Don't know. I'm probably not much help. If possible, and you have Acrobat Pro, you can export to PDF and then embed the movies in there. I know that will work.

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