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edc [everyday carry] shaved my wife


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My laguiole arrived today after a long wait, and bloody hell is it stiff! Broke my nail opening it for the first time, and am at risk of lopping of my fingers when closing it.

Any recommendations for loosening it up? It's a slip joint.

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My laguiole arrived today after a long wait, and bloody hell is it stiff! Broke my nail opening it for the first time, and am at risk of lopping of my fingers when closing it.

Any recommendations for loosening it up? It's a slip joint.

food-grade mineral oil and some manipulation worked wonders for my al mar when it was stiff and my balicomb pre-flipping it

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Just got my stones! First try, free hand. Spent about 1hour and a half using C-F-EF-6M-EEF-3M-1M-1M with Leather-0.5 with Leather (for the lulz)

The knife's a Smith and Wesson 15$ knife so the finish and edge aren't as good as they could be but I needed to test this shit out! Hair popping sharp but not shaving)

Next up, Spyderco T-Mag with S30V. This better be good!

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:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D - ebay man get a sniper

bentobox had one for 265 but damn i slept on it too long

im not going to rub it in or anything

but im SO glad i got one...even if i had to pay 295 for it its such a sick ass knife

you should get the cts-20cp version, thats a bad one too i cant wait to rit dye mine!

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looking for a new sharpener as my dfly has some small nicks already in the edge. Do people still swear by the sharpmaker? It seems like a lot of the more recent reviews on amazon (2009/2010) say the quality of it has gone down. Grateful for any input..

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The sharpmaker is good for touch ups and quick sharpening, and it's super easy to use. I've never really sharpened really dull knives except for my kitchen knives which are softer steels, and it worked great for that, got them all slicing paper with ease. I'm happy with mine, if I had more money I'd look into a different system, but for now it's perfect for me, and I have all my knives hair popping sharp.

It's a good system for the price and the average user. Other options are stones and a strop. I'll be investing in some wet stones this summer and perfecting them hopefully :)

I'd recommend a strop for everyone as it can provide the sharpest possible edge, and can be used to maintain edges on convex blades.




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35, if you're going to be sharpening some hard ass steels, look into diamond stones.

For ubiquitous, check out a fine/extra fine DMT Diafold sharpener.

Much cheaper than a sharpmaker and you also sharpen the knife, not just realign it. With the sharpmaker, it will work well for the first 3-4 times but then you will realize it isn't worth shit. I brought my BM 940 to a guy after sharpening it with the sharpmaker for 2 years and he was astonished at how 'dull' (for a sharpener lol) the knife was.

With 1 minute on a fine DMT stone, it was 2 times sharper than it ever has been. I also tested this with a kitchen knife I sharpened with the sharpmaker and it was the same result. The DMT stone with 1/8th of the time got it much sharper. That's with only 1 grit, not 5 stones and 5 strops.

Edit: Sharpmakers and other ceramic sharpeners are basically like leather strops without compound. They will do the job for quick quick touch ups but if your knife isn't cutting paper, good luck getting it there!

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Haha shit son! I've been talking to the best sharpener on bladeforums on and off for some help and he would suggest 8x3 DMT Diasharp stones and not the Duosharp ones simply because the extra extra fine grit isn't available in the duosharp configuration. When you're looking for the perfect edge, you can't mix up two finishes!

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35, if you're going to be sharpening some hard ass steels, look into diamond stones.

For ubiquitous, check out a fine/extra fine DMT Diafold sharpener.


we're talking about this correct?


this is my first time sharpening so excuse the stupidity but is there a reason why i should go fine/extra fine rather than the fine/coarse? it seems like ideally I'd have both or at least one more coarse surface to get a good finish...or I'm retarded (highly probable) (0)

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For sharpening (depending on how dull the edge is) you want to go course -> fine -> extra fine -> strop, with other steps in there (220, 320, 400, 600, 800, 100, 1500, 2000, strop)

If you're getting stones you want a course, fine, extra fine, and a strop, but there's literally thousands of combos that people use. Read up on sharpening and browse forums for opinions and sharpening techniques.

You're taking off a bit of the metal to achieve a smooth edge, so gradually going smoother gets a sharper/finer edge. There are entire books on sharpening, but that's the gist of it.

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Yeah, also if you were to go with coarse/fine, the edge a fine stone gives you isn't really smooth while extra fine will pass.

If you're sharpening S30V or tougher, even coarse is paper cutting sharp but you can feel that the edge is VERY toothy. At fine, it's just a step above and after the extra fine stone, this is when the edge finally becomes smooth and not toothy as hell.

Keep in mind, if you want the ultimate sharpness, you need to first, create the cutting edge (coarse) and then follow it up with all the other ones to gradually fill in the gaps between every scratch you created while sharpening.

My set up consists of:

Extra Coarse stone (not a fan... way too porous)

Coarse stone

Fine stone

Extra fine stone

Extra extra fine stone

6,3 and 1 micron MDF strops

1 and 0,5 leather on MDF strops

I just sharpened my S30V spyderco and my S35VN TSF last night. GADDAMN. A whole other level from that POS smith and wesson. The spyderco actually shaves off a whole patch of hair no problem, one pass with little force applied. The TSF needs just a little extra force since it's thicker.

Here's what helped my get my shit down:




Pics later, now I need to go to school :(

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Looking to get a new folder for backpacking and a summer farming. Been considering between the Endura FFG and the Pacific Salt. Im a big flat ground fan, and have had good experiences with VG-10, but the Salt seems immensely rugged. Anyone have experience with the H-1 steel, or comments between the two?

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