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passport help


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jetset seemed like the best place for this,

my girlfriend and myself have been planning a backpacking trip around europe, she will be staying and attending college in madrid, and i will be flying back to the u.s. at the end of our one month trip (we are both u.s. citizens) i have my ticket already and she is waiting last minute to buy hers but the problem is i fly out the july 13th, and she has her appointment at the spanish consulate on the 13th to get her visa. perfect world she would get her stamp and fly to paris from san fran but realitiy they will take her passport and wait (they say 4-6 weeks) till they mail her back her passport with visa stamp inside. so we need ideas on how to either get her visa stamp same day, not give up her passport and have to stamp mailed to her by her parents while we are in europe, or somehow get a second passport to get her into europe, ideas!?

cliff notes for lazy sufu cats

-girlfriend and i going to europe

-girlfriend has consulate appointment for visa day i leave for europe

-consulate will take her passport, no internation travel for her

-can't cange dates on my airline tickets.

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