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Recommendations for first pair of Full Selvage raw Japanese denim


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I suggest you read the many other threads about this topic.

You can't expect "recommendations" without mentioning anything specific. What kind of fit do you want, price, etc.

I like my Eternal 811, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's what you're looking for.

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Guest Berget__

Im not sure but you could probably pick up a pair of Evisus pretty easy. I know its not what it used to be but i picked up a pair of No1 special denim for 265$ and the quality is definetly there! Really nice denim.

I aint gotta get money man money get me

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Quote: but if he's in the US isn't all of it chinese made or euro made?

some stores carry some of the Japan made line, although they usually charge dearly for it. i'm pretty sure i saw some last summer in New York, at Atrium. i remember cause they were like twice as expensive as the other one's and i ask the staff why were they so expensive (did know a lot less about denim back then)...

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yes, but not Japanese made. They're made in the USA.

I assume by "Japanese denim" he means Japanese brands...

--- Original message by minya on Feb 5, 2006 09:07 PM

That's what I've always heard as well.

Here's the tag off of my pair though:


Maybe they mean the denim is made in japan, but 'assembled' in the US?

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