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interest check: 1940's-50's work boots


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given to my by my grandfather. too small for me and i THINK they're 11, maybe 11.5 (they're made to wear with thick socks). my grand dad says they're hand made by a shoe maker in arizona when he was working in the uranium mines back in the late 40s early 50s.

my grand dad was issued 2 of these boots, but only got around to wearing one because he was laid off then. i found them in their moving box smelling like leather and it seems like there's some sort of oil on it because when i tried to use them on the floors in the house (hardwood), there would be traces of the boot on the floor.

selling price...i don't know lol 400? $400 or best price, i guess.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for sharing these boots with us. Too rich for my blood, though. Hope you can find someone with the scratch to afford these. Good luck!


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