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what racial epiphets are hurled in your general direction?

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brilliant in its deceptive simplicity.

some i've read along the way and loved, wish i came up with them -

Q: What would you call the Flintstones if they were black?

A: Fucking niggers.

Q: How do you stop a black man from drowning?

A: Take your foot off his head.

Two polish men walk into a bar. The third one ducks.

And one I thought up while shooting the shit with some friends earlier this week and the subject came to Jewish hypocrisy:

- There are two types of people you should never argue with in this world: Fools, and Jews.

My top 5 Comedies of All Time:

Dumb and Dumber

Schindler's List

Requiem for a Dream



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no ones ever really called me any racist names..bitch yah..

I've heard of twinkie..oreo..

twinkie is a gay talk OR yellow on the outside, white on the inside.

oreo is like some educated-system-uncle tom shit.

don't know they woulda said that shit to you.

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I have a friend named kevin

his nickname is niv, which is derived from nivek (kevin backwards)

he has really full lips, has a big penis (nomo), and loves to drink 40s

we sometimes call him niv-ger

is that racist???


on a more serious note (true story about to follow):

Back in around grade 3 I had a friend named Terry Ng. Back then I had no idea how to pronounce his surname properly in English. I asked him, and he said he didn't know either, so he would just tell his English speaking friends to call him "Terry Nigger"

I didn't find it funny or anything back then, I didn't even have a concept of what the N-word was. Obviously the dude ain't black...

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hmmm...i really don't know how to explain this without actually saying it, but basically you pronounce it exactly as it's written - "Ng"

When you say it put your tongue on the roof of your mouth and say it as if it was a nasal "n" kinda like "nggh"

the other name incorporating the same letters which I always had a blast trying to get right was "Nguyen" ... i would say "ng-uyen", and there was a hilarious computer teacher in grade 9 who always read it out loud as "Nugent" as in "Ted Nugent."

Apparently the right way is something like "wee-yen"

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yeah but that begs the question - for someone to encounter the word "nguyen" on paper for the very first time, how would they go about pronouncing it

I think it's one of those names/words that serve more of an aesthetic function - like "Chigurh" ... it's not really meant to be said out loud.

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a black guy called me 'cocky ass japanese' from his care one time. does that count for anything?

chink was pretty popular circa 1995, but they never knew that i was a slope instead

extra question: when segregation was around before 1965, which water fountain/baffroom did the asians and hispanics go to?

They used the sink in the public bathroom.

All this talk of race-relations makes me excited because I get to go up to the fourth floor of the hospital where I work now to flirt with Gifty, this nurse from Ghana. She's so effin' sexy to me. She has this hot voice and a really tight, petite little body. I wanna shoot a baby up in that pussy.

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how do you pronounce Ng anyway? I think theres some girl on my facebook with that name and I've never thought about that until now.

They Might Be Giants have a song called Anna Ng ... and they say it repeatedly...


But they're not Chinese, so I can't say for sure if this is how it should be pronounced.


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They Might Be Giants have a song called Anna Ng ... and they say it repeatedly...


But they're not Chinese, so I can't say for sure if this is how it should be pronounced.


yeah they're pronouncing it correctly.. the character for Ng in Chinese sounds totally different.

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